@very-rusty saidIs it a parody on a checkmate?
The chick as you call her represents someone as does the chess piece which is obviously not a pawn! 😉
Thanks for playing!
You were a lot closer than lemon to the answer though.
You don't get a second guess by the way! 😉
22 Jul 20
@handyandy saidThat is correct Andy! Nice catch on that part of it. More to it though. You are still in as you got it partly correct.
The piece being cradled is the black king.
22 Jul 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidYou are partly correct also goad so you are still in it!
Is it a parody on a checkmate?
22 Jul 20
@divegeester saidThanks Dive.
Congratulations on drawing sufficient attention from you avatar to be worthy of its own thread.
22 Jul 20
@lemondrop saidWell not lately, but go ahead give it another shot if you think you know. 😉
do you like me enough to give me another try?
22 Jul 20
@very-rusty saidis the chick in the avatar sitting cross-legged on a "massive chessboard"?
You are partly correct also goad so you are still in it!
if so, i am partially correct in my guess
but you have seen fit to disqualify me from the competition
while allowing other users free reign to guess again
you are a misandrist and a cad
you do not even deserve the deliciously wonderful nicknames i create for you
you are no longer slapshot the codfish
you made the rookie cry
bad bad BAD man
@rookie54 saidLOL@ rookie, I guess I am just bias against you. Ok you can have another crack too then! Just please don't call the lady a chick!
is the chick in the avatar sitting cross-legged on a "massive chessboard"?
if so, i am partially correct in my guess
but you have seen fit to disqualify me from the competition
while allowing other users free reign to guess again
you are a misandrist and a cad
you do not even deserve the deliciously wonderful nicknames i create for you
you are no longer slapshot the codfish
you made the rookie cry
bad bad BAD man
22 Jul 20
@lemondrop saidThe square she is sitting on has nothing to do with the answer.
is she sitting on the e4 square?
IN Posers and Puzzles
@athousandyoung said
White queen mating black king
You got it, exactly what it is! Well Done you are the first to get the answer correct.
Thanks to all for playing!
22 Jul 20
@very-rusty saidi just checked the entire kamasutra and that is not a mating position
White queen mating black king