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Save our shops!

Save our shops!


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A lot of text, but I basically agree about shopping locally if we can. It may be more expensive but it gives a variety we should try to keep.


I have to admit, good post. I think you're scratching the surface of a much broader move in societal evolution, if the principles you've put forward are extrapolated out to all human activity, signaling a seismic shift in human experience coming in the near future.


I left Britain in 1991 and the phenomenon in which city centres had been gutted was already hugely evident and a cause for great lament.

It obviously had nothing to do with online shopping then, but the disappearance of shops and variety in the high street zone was dire; they were replaced with fast food outlets, charity shops and fly-by-night renters selling cheap books etc.

Gone were the butchers and the grocers and the haberdashers and the bakeries and cobblers and record shops and toy shops and hardware shops and all the rest of it.

Meanwhile, superstores and the like were cropping up on the outskirts of towns or in the suburbs.

That was 30+ years ago.


The world is changing... thank God. Start thinking global instead of local.


@rajk999 said
The world is changing... thank God. Start thinking global instead of local.
Yeah, the world is going global. The elites will provide the menu. And you, the loyal consumer, will have "stuff" shipped to your door.

Have any idea what that means?


@josephw said
Yeah, the world is going global. The elites will provide the menu. And you, the loyal consumer, will have "stuff" shipped to your door.

Have any idea what that means?
It means that the elites are now spread out all over the globe instead of being concentrated in the imperialist countries... I love it.


Mom and Pop shops hire family members and that doesn't help the community. It only helps that family.
I remember looking for work and getting a job in a Mom and Pop shop was impossible so I hope all of the big companies run them out of business.
COVID helped shut down a lot of those nepotistic snobs.


middlesbroughs shopping centre on linthorpe road is now all takeaways, binns,debenhams, all the department stores gone ,boarded up only m&s and boots survive, its little better on the retail parks where parking is a major issue, we do have a local shop(now a tesco mini) and a larger local precinct 1 mile away but no butchers or greengrocers anymore, its teco or nothing.I can see no way back for retail in reality, we do most of our shopping online I dont have to feed my car every week its every 2 months or so.


Our “main/high” street has shops that come and go. People opening in hopes that folks/neighbours will support then and for a time they do but when push comes to shove the almighty dollar (or whatever the currency where you are is called) takes precedence.

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@great-big-stees said
Our “main/high” street has shops that come and go. People opening in hopes that folks/neighbours will support then and for a time they do but when push comes to shove the almighty dollar (or whatever the currency where you are is called) takes precedence.
well its always been the way ,when times are hard you spend with your head not your heart.

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So, what do we do? I try to buy locally as much as I can but it’s difficult when the consumer choice has increasingly moved online.

I've noticed this too, but I doubt things will change much. Rising fuel costs coupled with less expensive online prices and home delivery spells doom for many brick and mortar shops.



@mchill said
I've noticed this too, but I doubt things will change much. Rising fuel costs coupled with less expensive online prices and home delivery spells doom for many brick and mortar shops.
I dunno, don't you have real markets? Local shops? Or do you all live (or rather, merely survive) along stroads?

In my town, I can, and do, buy my veggies from the market, and I still have at least some local shops, including grocers, bakers, and butchers. I count myself lucky my local language isn't English.


@lipareeno said
Mom and Pop shops hire family members and that doesn't help the community. It only helps that family.
I remember looking for work and getting a job in a Mom and Pop shop was impossible so I hope all of the big companies run them out of business.
COVID helped shut down a lot of those nepotistic snobs.
Right! End individual entrepreneurship, personal liberty and creativity, and return to land barons, feudalism, indentured servitude and slavery to stuff.

Great idea. 😔

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