Originally posted by mikelomAn englishman, scotsman and an irishman are on a plane together when it begins to divebomb, sending them to certain death. In order to escape, the plane has to loose lots of weight quickly to allow it to continue to fly. They decide that each man has to throw out a possesion.
ooops..... I'll whisper.... apols 😵
'I'll throw out a rose, 'cos theres lots of them in my country' says the Englishman.
'I'll throw out a thistle, 'cos there's lots of them in my country' says the Scotsman.
'I'll throw out bomb, 'cos' theres lots of them in my country' says the Irishman.
Luckily, their plan works and they survive, and they each go home to their families.
As the Englishman comes home he sees his dad weeping and says 'Dad! Dad! Why are you crying!?' to which his dad replies 'a rose fell out the sky and the thorns slit your mothers throat!'
As the Scotsman comes home he sees his dad weeping and says 'Dad! Dad! Why are you crying!?' to which his dad replies 'A thistle fell from the sky and the prickles blinded your mother!'
As the Irishman comes home he sees his dad laughing and says 'Dad! Dad! why are you laughing?!' to which his dad replies:
'I farted and next doors house blew up'