This is being recorded with my speech-to-text app on my smartphone on this thread you are only allowed to contribute non edited attempts to send messages using speech-to-text there is no specific topic you can talk about anything you want you can say like the firming things you can be wise you can bake have anybody he doesn't matter as long as you record it using the speech to text feature on your smartphone and then copy paste it and post it on the street without editing it
@fmf saidOf course what I anticipate is the very Rusty is going to come along completely misunderstand what this thread is supposed to be about and then he's going to try to smother it in his charmless attempts to willfully not go along with the spirit of anything
This is being recorded with my speech-to-text app on my smartphone on this thread you are only allowed to contribute non edited attempts to send messages using speech-to-text there is no specific topic you can talk about anything you want you can say like the firming things you can be wise you can bake have anybody he doesn't matter as long as you record it using the speech to text feature on your smartphone and then copy paste it and post it on the street without editing it
I think it's remarkably good at catching people's would I don't know whether we would work with the girls go actions that will have a New York accent but it seems to do pretty well I'm 5-10 years ago was rubbish what is now I reckon you could you could dictate something like this make if you edit and you could send it but for the purposes of dissuade you know anything and not allowed to do anything until he just have to leave it Roar on the way that it comes out
@fmf saidLet me try that again the girls go action is supposed to be the Glasgow accent
I think it's remarkably good at catching people's would I don't know whether we would work with the girls go actions that will have a New York accent but it seems to do pretty well I'm 5-10 years ago was rubbish what is now I reckon you could you could dictate something like this make if you edit and you could send it but for the purposes of dissuade you know anything and not allowed to do anything until he just have to leave it Roar on the way that it comes out
@lemondrop saidWell done see what I mean you said I don't get it into the microphone on your smartphone and the speech-to-text application send it into text which you didn't post it so well done thank you for joining in
I don't get it
This is a form or I don't know how to say is too far more kind of digs it goes even deeper like a shop show the movies comes down but I don't really mean anything cuz I know what kind of people are coming me down and it doesn't matter if two Hoots you know this already created Innovative thread like this what you going to do some things in life is like a physical going to do something this is with this is rejection this this is real rejection in the cold