Originally posted by LuckI believe that once you reach the level of moves you have, you no longer need wings. Let us say you have ascended into a higher plane. Us mere mortals still require wings to fly 🙂
Why does some players have wings with their Star when some of use do not?
Harri / Luck
Originally posted by LuckI don't think so, only because your profile doesn't state that you are an original pawn star.
Are the starless the first Original Pawn Stars?
Original pawnstars were the first group of people to contribute voluntarily. (They would also have a wingless star with Original PawnStar in their profile)
Wingless pawnstars subscribed at the time when there was a lifetime membership.
Winged pawnstars pay a yearly sub.
Originally posted by tonytiger41Yes, we with the wingless star are the original pawn stars, those with wings are subscibers who pay according to the new terms of the site
rhp was free in the beginning. some member voluntarily contributed funds to russ to help offset the costs; those members were rewarded with a plain star.
Non-subscribers do not have a star.
Only original pawnstars have the star without wings.
Subscribers have a star WITH wings. (If an original pawnstar is also a subscriber, they have wings. Their profile will also indicate that they are an original pawnstar.)
I do not believe there is any distinction between yearly or monthly subscribers.
ADDED: As you make more moves your star will slowly change from yellow to red, in increments. If your star starts to rotate, you have way too much time on your hands...🙄
Hope that helps clear it up a little,
Regards, Marc