@very-rusty saidThank you VR. We will have a good new year, I'm sure. Just stick around.
Well I'd like to take the time to stick this one in. Merry Christmas to all including those who don't really celebrate it, have happy Holidays. All the best to everyone in 2020!!!
@torunn saidI got stuck with a bunch of get-togethers but I'm back.
Thank you VR. We will have a good new year, I'm sure. Just stick around.
@coquette saidI play on 3 different chess sites as many of you know by now. Having too many games going at the same time can be a sticky situation at times, making one move faster in each game than you would under other circumstances. I've found you have to find a good number for you that you can play well in all of them...It has taken me years and I still don't know if I have the correct amount, still making the same fast silly(bad) moves. It is a difficult habit to break. I do much better in over the board games. You have already accomplished what few have managed to do on this site. Feel good about what you've done! I've seen you develope and get better over the years.
I'm making a sticky New Year's resolution to be patient and stop obsessively leaping into action prematurely and thus not thinking things through to their full consequences which should have a positive secondary benefit of attenuating my tendency to over do while erring as a result.
@coquette saidSounds like a tall order but hey....stick to your guns.
I'm making a sticky New Year's resolution to be patient and stop obsessively leaping into action prematurely and thus not thinking things through to their full consequences which should have a positive secondary benefit of attenuating my tendency to over do while erring as a result.
@very-rusty saidAs I see it, the number of games in progress must be in proportion to the time I have available. Overthinking is not good either. I think I should stick to a maximum of ten games.
I play on 3 different chess sites as many of you know by now. Having too many games going at the same time can be a sticky situation at times, making one move faster in each game than you would under other circumstances. I've found you have to find a good number for you that you can play well in all of them...It has taken me years and I still don't know if I have the corre ...[text shortened]... site. Feel good about what you've done! I've seen you develope and get better over the years.
@torunn saidI notice when I stick in a certain number regarding the most games I'm willing to play someone else offers a game and I just can't say no.
As I see it, the number of games in progress must be in proportion to the time I have available. Overthinking is not good either. I think I should stick to a maximum of ten games.
@great-big-stees saidIf you play friendly games, a loss may not matter. But when you play clan games you should do your best to win and if you are challenged in a game, say 1/3, I would say no. I need time to at least try.
I notice when I stick in a certain number regarding the most games I'm willing to play someone else offers a game and I just can't say no.
@great-big-stees saidWith me it is completely different I am talking clan/team challenges which makes it more sticky, I certainly can't say no too...I can of course cut down on my torunament and one on one games. Agreed, it is hard to say no!
I notice when I stick in a certain number regarding the most games I'm willing to play someone else offers a game and I just can't say no.
@very-rusty saidI have stuck a limit number concerning my games. Let's see if that helps. 🤔
With me it is completely different I am talking clan/team challenges which makes it more sticky, I certainly can't say no too...I can of course cut down on my torunament and one on one games. Agreed, it is hard to say no!
@torunn saidFriendly or rated a loss shouldn't matter so long as you've learned something from your mistake. Trouble is I keep making the same mistakes over and over! 😉 I seem to have an issue sticking to one plan in a game, and still taking on too many.
If you play friendly games, a loss may not matter. But when you play clan games you should do your best to win and if you are challenged in a game, say 1/3, I would say no. I need time to at least try.
27 Dec 19
@very-rusty saidTo start with, I think Stees should claim wins in timeout games - it's not unsportsmanlike or unfriendly, it's part of the game. Unless of course your opponent has asked for your permission to wait. If it doesn't matter if you win or lose, then it's not an interesting game, to me anyway.
Friendly or rated a loss shouldn't matter so long as you've learned something from your mistake. Trouble is I keep making the same mistakes over and over! 😉 I seem to have an issue sticking to one plan in a game, and still taking on too many.