@chaney3 saidan olde story...
I want to see Stonehenge, and the Pyramids at Giza.
in 1974 i was in the usn sailing around the mediterranean...
the cruiser ported in alexandria, egypt...
all my buddies went to see cairo and the pyramids...
i did not...
about a week or so before we got there, i did something very stupid, i cannot even remember what it was i did, but, i was restricted to ship for the week we were there...
my main duty was to sweep the pier...
in my dress whites...
there were lotsa camels...
@chaney3 saidI've visited it several times.
Who has visited Stonehenge?
There seem to be a lot of people on this site that are close to it.
What did you think?
It is quite impressive.
Unfortunately you can't get up close to it anymore.
The pyramids are more impressing though a bit disappointing.
Knossos, Athens, Ephesus are far more interesting.
@wolfgang59 saidWhy are the pyramids disappointing?
I've visited it several times.
It is quite impressive.
Unfortunately you can't get up close to it anymore.
The pyramids are more impressing though a bit disappointing.
Knossos, Athens, Ephesus are far more interesting.
@chaney3 saidThey seem so exotic on tv and films.
Why are the pyramids disappointing?
The reality is they are on the outskirts of a very dirty city and infested
with thieves, charlatans and corrupt police. (That was in early 90s) It's
stinking hot and sand everywhere and .... I just didn't like it!
2 edits
@wolfgang59 saidThere is something about the thievery that infests the pyramids these days that makes me think of the thievery that has infested it in the past, some of it organized by various governments and military powers. But then, who has a legitimate claim of ownership, how come, and what privileges or duties does that bestow?
They seem so exotic on tv and films.
The reality is they are on the outskirts of a very dirty city and infested
with thieves, charlatans and corrupt police. (That was in early 90s) It's
stinking hot and sand everywhere and .... I just didn't like it!
I visited Stonehenge last year. I think it is worthwhile to us to have sites that lead us to consider our place in history. From that POV it was educational. Visiting the sites is not feasible for everyone, but can be a useful part of this.
My most recent such visit was to the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis Tennessee, USA. It encompasses and is partly housed in what was the Lorraine Hotel, where Martin Luther King was shot and killed. Has anyone else here been there? If so, what did you think of it? Did you learn about the eviction of Jacqueline Smith and the ongoing protest?
@karoly-aczel saidIf you are staying in UK for a few months maybe.
i think you should visit
Otherwise ...
Lots of wonderful castles to visit.
Historic cities.
@wolfgang59 saidHe conjured it... he deserves what he conjured
If you are staying in UK for a few months maybe.
Otherwise ...
Lots of wonderful castles to visit.
Historic cities.
@chaney3 saidI went to see the Stones....boy did they rock.
Who has visited Stonehenge?
There seem to be a lot of people on this site that are close to it.
What did you think?