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Originally posted by latex bishop
I was in a youth hostel in the uni north of the city on lake michigan. A lake with waves - how cool is that.

I went to a Yankee's game (it was against Seattle) and the first thing that amazed me was how cheap it was (I have since found out that it is cheap to watch live sport anywhere apart from Western Europe). I was in the "bleaches" and the thi ...[text shortened]... ions - there were only about 50% of us left by the eigth innings in my little section!

those seats are called "bleachers"🙂 and that's where you usually find the crazies.

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Originally posted by fexkorn
those seats are called "bleachers"🙂 and that's where you usually find the crazies.
it was crazy!!!

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Originally posted by rwingett
Much of this so called patriotism is simply empty rhetoric. Patriotism is more than just waving flags and clamoring for your enemies to be bombed. It involves actually getting away from the TV long enough to vote or to serve on jury duty if you're called. It requires some active involvement on the part of the individual in his society. Much of what passes ...[text shortened]... ationalism. Nationalism of the type that would have been right at home at the Nuremburg Rallies.
more than 100,000,000 people vote. I don't know the numbers on jury duty. If you prefer to call it nationalism, that is fine. But to simply classify it as hating other countries or wanting to bomb our enemies or even as extreme as to compare it to Nazi Germany ( I know I am combining posts from different people here ) is a bit of a stretch. America(ns) is a peace loving nation. We are not just bombing Iraq. If that were the case, we could just obliterate them with a few nuclear bombs. We want that country to thrive peacefully under a sane ruler or ruling system.

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Originally posted by fexkorn
more than 100,000,000 people vote. I don't know the numbers on jury duty. If you prefer to call it nationalism, that is fine. But to simply classify it as hating other countries or wanting to bomb our enemies or even as extreme as to compare it to Nazi Germany ( I know I am combining posts from different people here ) is a bit of a stretch. America(ns) i ...[text shortened]... nuclear bombs. We want that country to thrive peacefully under a sane ruler or ruling system.
Actually, in the 2002 midterm elections only 78.7 million people voted. This represents 39.3% of the eligible voting age citizens. In the 2000 presidential elections 105.5 million people voted. This still only represents 51.3% of the voting age citizens. The "patriotic" citizens of this country are only asked to get off their butts once every two years to vote (if you count midterm elections) and only 39-51 percent of them can be bothered to do so? This is not a source for pride, it is an absolute disgrace.

As for Iraq...you may care about the Iraqi people. Many American citizens may care about the Iraqi people. But the US government most assuredly does not. The US is only interested in installing a government that will more amenable to Washington's interests. The fact is that the US supported Saddam Hussein for years and supplied him with more than $40 billion in weapons and aid. But he was the same ruthless dictator then that he is now. Why did we look the other way as he dropped mustard gas on the Kurds, and support him as he waged war on his neighbors all throughout the eighties? Why is Saddam now part of the so called "axis of evil" when it was we who supplied him with economic aid for years and years? The answer is that he made the mistake of biting the hand that fed him. He defied the orders of his benefactors in Washington. It was for this unpardonable sin that the US decided he had to go, and not because of any atrocities he has committed.

I have included a link that details the sorry history of US attempts to help Iraq "live in peace".

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I have a perfect plan. rwingett runs for president, with me as his running mate, and we make Fexkorn the Secretary of State. By the end of our term, the whole nation would be turned upside down, and with fex on our side, the rest of the world would stop hating us. Let's get this rolling, people.

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Originally posted by tenebr8
I have a perfect plan. rwingett runs for president, with me as his running mate, and we make Fexkorn the Secretary of State. By the end of our term, the whole nation would be turned upside down, and with fex on our side, the rest of the world would stop hating us. Let's get this rolling, people.
I think my supporters are all amongst the 49% who didn't vote in the last presidential election.😉

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I just tried to challenge you to a game, but you must be at your limit. Send a game my way, if you'd like-- 3 day TO is fine.

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The rest of the world might stop hating us, but have you considered the fact that good ole boys in the south might be your new enemy? And who was it that said the office of vice president is not worth a bucket of warm spit? Just keep us educated and talking. Kirk

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We are not just bombing Iraq. If that were the case, we could just obliterate them with a few nuclear bombs. We want that country to thrive peacefully under a sane ruler or ruling system. [/b]
Do you not think Bush has an ulterior motive in that when diplomatic ties are reinstated with Iraq, Russia and France have signed up all deals to export oil from Iraq. The so-called Irai National Congress (based in London) has agreed to ignore these existing deals (worth several billion US$) and to sign new deals with American oil companies (most of whom have ex-directors within Bush's inner circle)

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Originally posted by fexkorn
...America(ns) is a peace loving nation. We are not just bombing Iraq. If that were the case, we could just obliterate them with a few nuclear bombs...
That's mighty nice of us to allow them to go on living.

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