Well not a “game” just chat about the various Generation labels, which one we are, what do we think of the definitions and the various stereotyping and social media blah which goes along with it all.
Here the generation list with a bit of commentary for your reference:
Generation Names
The Greatest Generation – born 1901-1927
These folks were indelibly impacted by the Great Depression, which molded their children in regards to frugality. This group was also representative of the majority of soldiers in World War II. If still with us, these folks are between the ages of 98 and 121.
The Silent Generation – born 1928-1945
Those born between these years are actually the smallest group, due to consequences from the Great Depression and World War II. Between the size of the population and the hesitancy to speak out against social issues due to the McCarthy era of government, they earned their name. In 2022, people in this group are between 77 and 97.
The Baby Boomer Generation – born 1946-1964
Baby boomers, along with Millennials, are one of the most misunderstood and mislabeled groups of the entire list. Countless internet jokes and videos of young people saying “Ok boomer!” in referencing an older person not understanding the modern world and how it works. The baby boomers are actually one of the most relevant groups in modern society as they were integral and present for many of the technology advances in the last 50 years. They have been more adaptable to modern growth and learning how to function in today’s technological age. Boomers are currently between the ages of 58 and 76.
Generation X – born 1965-1980
As with Baby Boomers, Gen X’ers are the most relevant generation of modern times, in relation to technology and serve almost as a bridge from older populations to younger ones. They were present for the inception of the internet, video games, artificial intelligence and is the population that has created many of these advances. This groups of people is currently between the ages of 43 and 57.
Millennials – born 1981-1996
As mentioned, alongside of Gen X’ers, Millennials are greatly misunderstood and often mislabeled. Older folks can tend to blame someone younger for being a “Millennial” when they don’t understand the values of older times and hold the same views as they did when they were young. It’s quite common to hear someone use the term Millennial to refer to people in their 20s, although true Millennials are between the ages of 28 and 42.
Generation Z – born 1996-2012
This group of younger people is an interesting one. They have been exposed to social media, and were the first population to cope with cyber-bullying and other internet related issues, It was also during this time that school related violence and climate crisis have become more prevalent. This large group of people are between the ages of 10 and 27.
Gen Alpha – born 2013 – 2025
These are the youngest people in the Unites States and are the first group to be born in the 21st century. They are the first generation to be born to parents who grew up with the internet, cell phones, tablets and social media. They are also inclined to be the most racially diverse and the most technologically adept. The oldest people in this group would be 9 years old this year.
For a slightly modified AUZ list check here.
Also has some definitions which is helpful.
@torunn saidThe years of the boomer generation could be described as the best to live in, I can go along with that. However, it is the period itself, not those born in it, which might be “fortunate”. Three generations lived within its years.
I am The Silent Generation, but also close to the Baby Boomer Generation - often referred to as the fortunate generation.
@divegeester saidBoomer here. Parents were The Greatest Generation - and we were never allowed to forget it! I spent my first 18 years on earth hearing how they: 1. Shoveled 3 tons of coal before breakfast every morning, 2. Walked uphill to school 5 miles a day through a blinding snowstorm (even in June) 3. The wind always blew in your face never at your back, 4. They didn't have food back in those days, 5. When WW2 came along, they built the tanks with 1 arm and fought the war with the other - AND THEY WON! 6. And you kids don't know what "tough" is!! Grrrr π
Well not a “game” just chat about the various Generation labels, which one we are, what do we think of the definitions and the various stereotyping and social media blah which goes along with it all.
Here the generation list with a bit of commentary for your reference:
Generation Names
The Greatest Generation – born 1901-1927
These folks were indelibly i ...[text shortened]... is helpful.
@divegeester saidMe too, I feel I’ve experienced the best years and now enjoy a comfortable and simple life, enjoying the same things that my parents did like walking, gardening and trying my best to live in harmony with nature . The UK is a great place and my parents were always thankful that they were invited to work and live here in 1947.
I’m from the Baby Boomer generation.
@mchill saidπ
Boomer here. Parents were The Greatest Generation - and we were never allowed to forget it! I spent my first 18 years on earth hearing how they: 1. Shoveled 3 tons of coal before breakfast every morning, 2. Walked uphill to school 5 miles a day through a blinding snowstorm (even in June) 3. The wind always blew in your face never at your back, 4. They didn't have food back in ...[text shortened]... fought the war with the other - AND THEY WON! 6. And you kids don't know what "tough" is!! Grrrr π
@the-gravedigger saidWOW.....124 years old approximately depending on the day. Impressive, but does explain a lot. π
I was born in the same year as GBS, 1900.
@very-rusty saidI would have lived longer if I hadn't drank so much.
WOW.....124 years old approximately depending on the day. Impressive, but does explain a lot. π
@drewnogal saidI love your life and attitude.
Me too, I feel I’ve experienced the best years and now enjoy a comfortable and simple life, enjoying the same things that my parents did like walking, gardening and trying my best to live in harmony with nature . The UK is a great place and my parents were always thankful that they were invited to work and live here in 1947.
Someone doesn’t as they have given you a red thumb of forum retribution. Edit Rusty I’d bet.
@the-gravedigger saidLOLπ Well there was a 19 in my year of birth and also a 46, which would make me a Boomer and one of the first. I actually, today “celebrated” (very low key) 78th birthday. I have enjoyed a great life and hope π€to continue to do so.π
I was born in the same year as GBS, 1900.
I'm from the generation that is not here yet. The stork delivered me way too early. Besides getting the address wrong, it got the year wrong too. The stork was dyslectic.
It seems that Dive may be using the thread to get the approximate age of anyone posting, which generation they belong to. The only info I'll provide is that I was born before my time, and the clues below. We ought to discuss generations gaps. It seems with each successive generation the gap is getting wider and wider.
Playing a side game with the generation gap. Anyone here know which generation Jesus was referring to when he said: "Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." ???????
I'm from the generation which, as a young teenager, I was able to listen to this music as it was being aired for the first time. I had a little transistor radio that I kept under my pillow, and fell asleep listening to it.