Originally posted by duecerUntil the advent of computers I would have said (because I love chess and good moves give me the same high that brilliant poems do)
was Walt Whitman.
Who do you think is, or was the greatest (besides Attillathehorn)
that the greatest poet was Robert J Fischer.
But engines spoilt his mystique (by explaining how he was thinking). From what I can see, however, chess engines are highly positional, and although poetry has a strong positional element, they have not spoilt poetry in the way they have spoilt chess (especially correspondence/internet chess).
No internet poetry circle would have a 3b removed players list because computers cannot understand human passions.
That said, my favourite poets can be classified into various groups, namely
Hairey Wordsworth
Fairey WH Auden
Hairless Philip Larkin
Careless Ted Hughes
Sad Sylvia Plath
Bad Rene Pogel "Ode to a petrol pump attendant (female)
I longed for your
soft verges
But you gave me
the hard shoulder
Even Worse John Betjeman
Soley for the Royal Purse Every Poet Laureate
Originally posted by Rene PogelCrazy Sylvia. Gotta love her.
Until the advent of computers I would have said (because I love chess and good moves give me the same high that brilliant poems do)
that the greatest poet was Robert J Fischer.
But engines spoilt his mystique (by explaining how he was thinking). From what I can see, however, chess engines are highly positional, and although poetry has a strong positi ...[text shortened]... the hard shoulder
Even Worse John Betjeman
Soley for the Royal Purse Every Poet Laureate
She's on my list, too.