Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
'The Most Difficult Human Activity and Work in The World is Thinking'.
Viewing this as the mountain peak, the summum bonum ~~~ ^ ~~~
These may well be the gradient pitons, in ascending order, in any of
the many human endeavors irrespective of geography, time or place:
#1 Cognitive Ignorance, #2 Cognitive Frustration, #3 Cognitive Self
Estee us new height or sad depth.
Note: Welcome your perspectives, comments and criticisms.
if Fischer, for example, hasn't a clue about Einstein's theories of relativity, or the plot of MacBeth, or how to pitch a tent, is he at the genius level or the ignorance level, or both? what about human endeavours that don't particularly require much thought, but at which one can excel or not: boxing, for example? you do say that these are supposed to apply to
any human endeavour.