@torunn saidHow can you get a separate room for the OP of this thread? 😉
Can we keep a separate room for quarrels? Our regular customers come here to have a good time with friends.
Or would there be a set of rules for him and then for the rest? 😉
18 Nov 20
@very-rusty saidNo special rules for anybody other than if we can't keep a friendly conversation then perhaps we should stay a bit aside.
How can you get a separate room for the OP of this thread? 😉
Or would there be a set of rules for him and then for the rest? 😉
18 Nov 20
@cheesemaster saidEveryone found out you're an imposter! 😛 😉
Did I mention to everyone I am Tom Selleck?
I'm getting no action here!
I must fire my agent 🤔
18 Nov 20
You do know of the consensual fight law in Canada? 😡
Leave the lady alone...
Don't make me break my mustache off in your ass 😈
@cheesemaster saidin a fight I would take you hands down against rusty
You do know of the consensual fight law in Canada? 😡
Leave the lady alone...
Don't make me break my mustache off in your ass 😈
even gertrude at 87 lbs would whip him
he is the cream puff king
18 Nov 20
Can you make him stop crying?
Good god Rusty! Get a hold of yourself!
We were joking...🙄
@cheesemaster saidI wouldn't let your fake phony mustache of another man near my ass.
You do know of the consensual fight law in Canada? 😡
Leave the lady alone...
Don't make me break my mustache off in your ass 😈
Don't try to act like Mr. knight in shining armour.
torunn is more than capable of speaking for herself, doesn't need your help or approval I might add.
Why not go can change your name again, and you avatar while your at it?
18 Nov 20
@lemondrop saidIf you were well fed you might have a good crap is about all you could do.
in a fight I would take you hands down against rusty
even gertrude at 87 lbs would whip him
he is the cream puff king
Face to face, you pee your pants! :: 😉
18 Nov 20
@cheesemaster saidWatch you don't fall off your stool, you could break something. 😛 😉
I'll be at the bar 😒
Can I borrow 20 bucks?
It seems I am a bit short...
Once my new acting career takes off I will pay you back 😏