@the-gravedigger saidAre you fmf's parrot?
Please give us your opinion on the seven stages of grief.
Just wondering. 🙂
@very-rusty saidI wasn't aware FMF had asked Suziannes opinion.
Are you fmf's parrot?
Just wondering. 🙂
Are you interested in her opinion?
@the-gravedigger saidI would be more interested in Suziannes opinion than I would in fmf's or yours as far as that goes. 🙂
I wasn't aware FMF had asked Suziannes opinion.
Are you interested in her opinion?
@very-rusty saidThat is why I asked her. If you stop yapping she might be able to get a word in. 😉 😛
I would be more interested in Suziannes opinion than I would in fmf's or yours as far as that goes. 🙂
@the-gravedigger saidIronic, the Kettle calling the pot black! 😛
That is why I asked her. If you stop yapping she might be able to get a word in. 😉 😛
@very-rusty saidIrony, that sly trickster, whispers secrets in our ears, revealing the absurdity of existence
Ironic, the Kettle calling the pot black! 😛
@the-gravedigger saidJust tell fmf to be quiet, it probably will not work. 😛 🙂
Irony, that sly trickster, whispers secrets in our ears, revealing the absurdity of existence
@orangutan saidYes, grief is one of those journeys that doesn't have a definitive route. Experiencing the sudden death of a loved one can often bring additional baggage that needs unpacking, like guilt for example. (Perhaps the last encounter hadn't been a pleasant one or important things had been left unsaid). - From experience, some people also get stuck in one particular phase of grief, depression being a good example of this.
I think everyone who deals with grief, deals with it in their own way.
My dad passed just before Covid hit and it was a bit of a shock, but he'd been living with cancer for a while, so not an extreme shock.
Denial? Anger? Bargaining? Depression? Reconstruction? Not sure I ever went through those (unless I'm still in denial).
Acceptance, yup. I got there.
Sorry though to hear of your loss. (Same goes to anyone in this thread who has experienced likewise).
@fmf saidAll all at once for me they happened at a Sprinsteen gig in St Jamses Park no booze allowed in and non on sale at bar,left after 1 hr.
Shock. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Reconstruction. Acceptance.
Is passing through ALL seven of them inevitable?
Can the stages happen in a different order?
@david-burton saidThat's wrong on so many levels.
All all at once for me they happened at a Sprinsteen gig in St Jamses Park no booze allowed in and non on sale at bar,left after 1 hr.