@divegeester saidAnd the best troller on this site, though you and FMF are not far behind and bring a different skill set to your trolling.
When playing to his strength (as in the spirituality forum), one of the best posters on the site. Focused, diligent in research, concise, delivers insightful biting wit on occasion, eats member’s liver on others.
The trolling trio complements one another marvelously.
@pb1022 saidTo see the three of you trolling in tandem on one of your targets is like watching synchronized swimming on an Olympics level, or a highly choreographed and intricate dance.
And the best troller on this site, though you and FMF are not far behind and bring a different skill set to your trolling.
The trolling trio complements one another marvelously.
It’s really quite breathtaking.
@gambrel said@Gambrel is a man of good sense and refined tastes.
Oh thank heaven for Kevin Eleven.
(It probably helps that I keep paying him out of my Slushie fund.)
@gambrel saidi can't help the side effects of antipsychotic medications forced into my body.
Your breath smells less than your urine soaked clothing.
joke about it. you're a dick like 6 thumbs down thus far have reported.
f i hate mental health people.
@executioner-brand saidSometimes it's better to leave the post where it is, so everyone can see what a jackass the poster is. 😉
why is the post not removed.
harassment of another user.
This is harrasment.
EB quit drinking out of the toilet, drink from the bowl
Dumb dog
Your the one with the foul mouth, you said you have bad breath. You're projecting baboon ass tongue
Oh and I suppose you're saying this to my face?
Get over yourself
You suck at chess
You suck at poker
You're not very bright, even amongst dullard's
AND your breath smells like wormy dog poo
You're probably still living in your mom's basement a 40 year old virgin.
Oh BTW your mom told me between moans that all your socks are stuck together and she's tired of that.
Talking crap, because your breath matches it
I never talked rough in here before
You can't seem to keep up.
Maybe have a non challenged adult read posts to you. You'll have to get someone outside of your family and extended family. You know Homo sapien not Simeon. And no, your mom won't be any smarter if you shave her face, back and chest
And yet I'm leaps and bounds ahead of you on smarts, personality, looks, charisma, and my breath doesn't smell like dead fish poop.
Yeah, I made a typo, and not going to edit
I hope your OCD goes rampant
Because I'm not a turd fragment like you
No matter what
I'm better than you
I already answered that several pages back
Go back and read, unlike your mom I don't chew a cud.