Task 1 rules EDG
(you must paste !!!!!!!Task1!!!!!!! at the top of your post so we know what you are working on!)
Each member of each team must complete this task... or should anyway. 24 hours to do so. The team with the most members or the most members first will win, second team... and last team to complete task will go to council and vote a member off.
You must give me a link to a web page that shows a shelter you could build on an island. Find a picture online of a structure other than a house or hotel etc... that you might be able to build on an island. If the structure has glass windows, you shouldn't use that... as you have no access to glass. I guess you are looking for a hut or leantoo etc.
Just give me the link of the page... not the link of the picture. Once you post your link to this page no one else can use it after you.
Again, whatever team has fewest links or completes the task last is going to have to vote a member off!
Also... we'll name teams soon if you can decide with your team what to name your tribe.
GOOD LUCK! 24 Hours Now!