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"The wave"


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I'm sure many of you have already seen this photo. It is a picture of Obama and a group of other world leaders. The only problem? Obama is the only one waving and his hand is covering the face of the guy standing next to him. You can literally see others standing around him looking out of the corners of their eye as if to say, "Jethro, PUT THE HAND DOWN".

From what I hear this photo is legit even though it almost looks manufactured and fake. If so, what in the @@## was he thinking?

Possible captions include:

"Hi, I'm President of all 57 of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!"

"Hi, in case ya didn't know, I'm the only one here that has won a Nobel Peace Prize."

Feel free to add your own. 😵


Is this perhaps better suited to the General Forum?


No, I haven't seen the photo. Perhaps because I don't visit hateblogs ten times per day.


Gosh, next he'll be feeling up the Prime Minister of Germany!


Originally posted by whodey

I'm sure many of you have already seen this photo. It is a picture of Obama and a group of other world leaders. The only problem? Obama is the only one waving and his hand is covering the face of the guy standing next to him. You can literally see others standing around him ...[text shortened]... the only one here that has won a Nobel Peace Prize."

Feel free to add your own. 😵
Whody is another disgruntled Republican't?


Hate? No hate would be when you are President of the United States and because your socialistic policies have failed so miserably that the only thing you can fall back on is encouraging the populace to engage class warfare.

Those evil rich (Rich being in Obama's mind anyone making more than $200K a year) how dare they have so much money? Who cares if they already pay a disproportionate amount of taxes to Wasahington every year compared to the large number who pay no taxes whatsoever.

We have to make them pay more taxes so as to be fair. Fair to whom one wonders?

The real hate is standing in front of the American people and inciting hatred and contempt of one group of people against another and keeping a straight face while he does it. Thats real hatred.

Now having said that, this whole thread should go back to the Debate forum


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Originally posted by Rattler716
Hate? No hate would be when you are President of the United States and because your socialistic policies have failed so miserably that the only thing you can fall back on is encouraging the populace to engage class warfare.

Those evil rich (Rich being in Obama's mind anyone making more than $200K a year) how dare they have so much money? Who cares if ...[text shortened]... hats real hatred.

Now having said that, this whole thread should go back to the Debate forum
Do you have enough venom left?


No venom involved , just stating the obvious. Or whats obvious to the majority of Americans these days.

Although I'm a independent conservative and have enough distaste and disdain for both political parties . My advice to the Republicans is to adhere to the time honored question when running against the current occupant of 1600 Pensylvania Avenue.

That question is to ask the American people ... Are you better off then you were four years ago?

Can we have a show of hands?



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Originally posted by Rattler716
Hate? No hate would be when you are President of the United States and because your socialistic policies have failed so miserably that the only thing you can fall back on is encouraging the populace to engage class warfare.
No, no. Hate is when your president is mildly brown, and considered by the rest of the world to be less of a lunatic than your previous lunatic.


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Originally posted by whodey
I'm sure many of you have already seen this photo. It is a picture of Obama and a group of other world leaders.
Is it? Who are they, exactly? The one on the right, who was rather blatantly photoshopped in, looks like a fat version of Oik Osborne, but it's not... so who is it?


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Originally posted by Frank Burns
Whody is another disgruntled Republican't?
Nope, I just think the photo is hilarious. I suppose most interpret as malicious. Politics is always takenn personally I suppose.

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Funny, there was this fella who said one time that he judged people by the content of their Character not the color of their skin.

I think his name was Martin Luther King.

I wholeheartedly agree with his point of view.


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Originally posted by Rattler716
No venom involved , just stating the obvious. Or whats obvious to the majority of Americans these days.

Although I'm a independent conservative and have enough distaste and disdain for both political parties . My advice to the Republicans is to adhere to the time honored question when running against the current occupant of 1600 Pensylvania Avenue. ...[text shortened]... tter off then you were four years ago?

Can we have a show of hands?


only 4 years later?

Well, I guess my teenage kid will be grown up by then 😛

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Just a typo.. relax.

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