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Throw XanthosNZ off RHP

Throw XanthosNZ off RHP


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Originally posted by Starrman
And if I made jokes about my own plight?

You lost me on the second bit, loyalty to Xanthos? You must be joking, he's a pr;ck and I tell him so daily.
He is a pr;ck. I agree.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
Nice to know I'm so universally liked.
You're my hero.

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If you made jokes about your own plight ?!?- you would believe you are in the best position to judge. It doesn't mean to say you were right .

A lot of adults have seen or know of someone who has committed suicide - me included. That is why people have antipathy to XanthosNZ- he is just guilty of being a crass idiot.

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Originally posted by deeply satisfied
If you made jokes about your own plight ?!?- you would believe you are in the best position to judge. It doesn't mean to say you were right .

A lot of adults have seen or know of someone who has committed suicide - me included. That is why people have antipathy to XanthosNZ- he is just guilty of being a crass idiot.
Inharmonious relations between planets, which rule or are exalted in opposite signs. Also, conflict between the natal horoscope of two people corresponding with the aversion they feel for each other. antiscia From the Greek, literally shadows on the other side, opposite shadows; mirror or reflection points. A degree and its antiscion are equidistant from a particular reference point such as the MC-IC or summer-winter solstice axis. The use of antiscia is common to Uranian Astrology.

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I think I agree with Starrman - you are a prick.

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Originally posted by deeply satisfied
That is why people have antipathy to XanthosNZ- he is just guilty of being a crass idiot.

He has shown real guts.
He took the first and most important step, talking about it. I think he's making it out to be a joke, but I think he really might wanna eat a bullet.

Tsk tsk, teemagers...

We need to get together in group therapy to help him.

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Originally posted by deeply satisfied
I think I agree with Starrman - you are a prick.
I must apologise for my last statement. I put an I instead of a semicolon.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
Inharmonious relations between planets, which rule or are exalted in opposite signs. Also, conflict between the natal horoscope of two people corresponding with the aversion they feel for each other. antiscia From the Greek, literally shadows on the other side, opposite shadows; mirror or reflection points. A degree and its antiscion are equidistant from a ...[text shortened]... as the MC-IC or summer-winter solstice axis. The use of antiscia is common to Uranian Astrology.
Can't you see this is a cry for help? Adopting the guise of a "Uranian astrologer" (how much more Freudian could you wish for)--he's practically acting out his pathology in front of your myopic peepers.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Can't you see this is a cry for help? Adopting the guise of a "Uranian astrologer" (how much more Freudian could you wish for)--he's practically acting out his pathology in front of your myopic peepers.
You're right Bosse de Nage, I think he does need therapy ....but should we really have deluded psychopaths on this internet forum ?

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Originally posted by deeply satisfied
You're right Bosse de Nage, I think he does need therapy ....but should we really have deluded psychopaths on this internet forum ?
They're the entertainment.

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Originally posted by deeply satisfied
You're right Bosse de Nage, I think he does need therapy ....but should we really have deluded psychopaths on this internet forum ?
Umm... it was never a problem before... Besides, Russ would lose half his income

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Originally posted by Crowley
They're the entertainment.
What does he do for an encore?

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Originally posted by deeply satisfied
What does he do for an encore?
Oh dear... Wht did you just do?

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Originally posted by deeply satisfied
....but should we really have deluded psychopaths on this internet forum ?
As long as they're house-trained, I don't see a problem.

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Originally posted by Crowley
They're the entertainment.
This is a SPECIAL notice for XanthosNZ. We are very grateful that you deigned to start an ill-advised thread last time. The statements in this current thread may also be misconstrued as suggesting that you may have an encore piece of work to show us. Please consider carefully if you try to start threads in future as this may receive a similar reaction to your last one.

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