@earl-of-trumps saidhttps://qz.com/1163140/us-nuclear-tests-killed-american-civilians-on-a-scale-comparable-to-hiroshima-and-nagasaki/
Something tells me that the USA would not test anything nuclear within close
proximity to a town w/civilians and a US Air Force base.
But that's just me, man.
Where radiation fallout is concerned, 1,000 miles downwind is proximate.
@caesar-salad saidI cannot really grasp even the basics of ‘Entanglement’ but whenever I watch a documentary on it I can’t help thinking it’s going to have applications in some distant future in terms of getting things from A to B or B to A or even AB to AB oh I don’t know, it’s gives magic some serious competition though.
I hope that if aliens do come here in physical flying saucers, in their original organic bodies (instead of trans-quantum projections), we will be kind to them and appreciate their effort.
@caesar-salad saidSure. As long as they are not here to steal all our Cheeze Doodles. 😆
I hope that if aliens do come here in physical flying saucers, in their original organic bodies (instead of trans-quantum projections), we will be kind to them and appreciate their effort.
@moonbus saidInteresting.
Where radiation fallout is concerned, 1,000 miles downwind is proximate.
According to one of your links, there were over 100 tests in Nevada in the early going.
But they didn't try to cover them up.
Also, there has never been the charge made by anybody that excess radiation
had been detected in that area, nor was there a spike in deaths reported.
All in all, I see no proof of it, of course, I can't prove against it either.
Whatever floats your boat, man.
And getting back to the theme,
If it was an accidental nuclear incident that they covered up, would Trump raise
the issue now? Would they even inform Trump of such an incident?
yeah, I still have doubts. I still think this issue was raised to hint at things to come.
The long and short of it is that the military blew up a lot of a-bombs, over a thousand, before anyone realized how dangerous it was. Not because of explosions directly but radioactive fallout. Of course, it’s nearly impossible to find a causal link between one test bomb and one case of cancer which would not have happened but for the test. But the cumulative release of radiation was definitely a bad thing, and a US -USSR treaty to stop above-ground testing was a good thing.
Still does not clarify what crashed at Rosswell, of course. The military changed its story from weather balloon to radar reflector/target. That is plausible, given that radar was still pretty crude in those days and the military was keen to refine it. It would have been top secret, of course, to delay the Soviets reaching parity.