18 Nov 12
Originally posted by sumydidI don't understand why Obama does not bail out the Twinkie and it's 18,000 workers. Too bad they don't make cars.
I would have taken you serious, except for the the fact that you equated "Republican" with "moocher" and "entitlement addicted." Clearly, you've got some learnin' to do.
Now off you go, son. Search the stores. Search high and low. Bring me some chocolate creme-filled twinkies, posthaste! There's a secret reward in it for you.
Originally posted by johnnylongwoodyAnd I have bunches of 'em.
You said it CP.
That's why I like talking to you guys.
We all have flaws.
CP and I are nutjobs in much different ways. One thing I bet he can empathize with me on is how I greatly lament that when I first became Christian about 10 years ago, I did not capitalize on the opportunity to drop acid with my friend and let him baptize me in Lake Michigan. We were going to do it, and then lost touch. Woulda been awesome.