Originally posted by NordlysI have a winning position in a 3/7 game. My opponent was moving every few minutes and now hasn't moved for over an hour!!! Why won't he resign and how do you castle? What's en passant? Is the 50 move rule allowed here? Can I checkmate with a King and a Knight? 😉😛😴
Did you hear IronMan31 got banned!!!??? 😲
My psychiatrist has almost perfected my line.
AX series is for Abacus;
BX series is for Backgammon;
CX series is for Chess;
DX series is for Draughts (NOT CHECKERS);
C1 - 4 and 6 serii had mirroritis maximumolomonous anomaly;
"C5" was already used by a protovehicle manufactured by Mr. Sinclair;
C7 had emotional defects;
C8 series had non-sub tendencies;
C91 - 98 versions were drug-dependent;
C99A versions self destructed on losing;
C99B - K versions quit after winning their first games and are the only versions with a 100% win record;
C99L - R versions had repetitive functional disorder. It was easier to destroy them than teach the the rules.
C99S, T and V versions had theological problems. S-type bishops were self-sacrificing, T-type bishops preferred the company of pawns. V-type bishops tried to mate their own queen and were executed.
C99U version still has many problems, but my psychiatrist says I'm getting my money's worth, and see you again tomorrow.
C10 series will be released from Broadmoor in 2016.
Originally posted by pawnhandleri think it was the Bishop Branding and castration competition that was the downfall of chess rodeos. 😛
I used to lasso pawns in the rodeo, at least until those morons from People For The Ethical Treatment of Chess Pieces kept protesting and finally got us shut down.
Originally posted by reinfeldI always thought it was because you were from East Ekalaka Montana..
....reinfeld...for the late fred reinfeld who wrote chess books and newspaper columns on chess ( he was my student but he never made grandmaster
as i would not give him his final certificate until he defeated me which never happened ),.
Well I'll be go to hell...
My best to Fred and those who loved him,