Originally posted by reader1107You can watch Seven too! Just the thing for the little ones.
I can teach her the seven times tables to Happy Birthday! And the Seven Continents song! And the Seven Sacraments to the tune of Jingle Bells! Golly gee what fun!
Um, no. It's coming back to me now. My labotomy's that day. 😀
Originally posted by reader1107Too late...you've commited to it now.....you enjoy the baloon popping and screamimh children. I'm off to go shopping 😀
I can teach her the seven times tables to Happy Birthday! And the Seven Continents song! And the Seven Sacraments to the tune of Jingle Bells! Golly gee what fun!
Um, no. It's coming back to me now. My labotomy's that day. 😀
Originally posted by mokkoi know some really good birthday games for the youngin's i can tell you about ---- as well as to ansrew the question possed by this thread - my work has all the valentines day merchandise up since january 8th 😛
Sorry...yes. My middle girl is blonde. We've taken to calling her blondie rather than the second child or middle girl.
Reader knows her by blondie as well. Hadn't dawned on me that others didn't when I posted.
Originally posted by indigodreamSundays are my offical no stalking days. They made it law. Sorry. trade you Sunday for Wed. though...never anything good to do on a Wednesday. 🙁
LOL --- yes, we were alternate; i can stalk you mon, wed, fri -- you can stalk me tues,, thurs, sun --- does that work for you?