@a-unique-nickname saidAs for whether the Ben Affleck username is used to give posters thumbs, it's not as if I am asking you to swear on the lives of all the baby seals.
Sounds a bit kinky.
@a-unique-nickname saidHe totally saved Good Will Hunting.
I heard Matt Damon was thinking of joining.
@a-unique-nickname saidBaby seals wouldn't have ruined Good Will Hunting.
I'm not sure how baby seals and Ben Affleck are connected, could you explain?
@a-unique-nickname saidThat's true, he will be here any day.
I heard Matt Damon was thinking of joining.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidMatt Damon was the reason why good will hurting was a good move
Baby seals wouldn't have ruined Good Will Hunting.
but not great