@badradger saidIt is a bit of a coincidence that he disappeared after you gave him the round-around over a couple of threads.
Dive has had his pants pulled down and cant take the embarasment.
@badradger saidI saw Kevin Eleven call someone a cabbage head or something recently. Vegetables must be the new weapons of insult 😆
yes a spud
@very-rusty saidI haven’t been in the forums enough to know, but yes he seems fairly amusing at times.
K-11 is more funny than insulting in my opinion.
19 Aug 21
@mercury saidlol
I’m sure this is some kind of in-joke so would you mind explaining please?
at one time, perhaps it WAS an in joke
now it's just a potAto
58% to 61% of original posts are going to have some strangeness in the proportion
not the they're ugly, or beautiful
just strange
89% to 107% of replies are going to be feedlot refuse and are properly ignored
the trick
the all consuming trick that is so dang difficult to ascertain is,
how to spin on a plastic cactus without damaging the artwork
@lemondrop saidSo here right now we have 9 green thumbs and 7 red BUT the reds only count as 4 because 3 of them are from the duplicate account holders UNLESS all of their owners would care to reveal themselves 😮
was there anyone more spicy?
thumb up if you want him posting 😍
@drewnogal saidit was a red from me
So here right now we have 9 green thumbs and 7 red BUT the reds only count as 4 because 3 of them are from the duplicate account holders UNLESS all of their owners would care to reveal themselves 😮
@drewnogal saidYou should be careful making accusations like that as it is against the TOS Guidelines.
So here right now we have 9 green thumbs and 7 red BUT the reds only count as 4 because 3 of them are from the duplicate account holders UNLESS all of their owners would care to reveal themselves 😮
Even if you are correct about your statement. 9 and 8, now.
Note: The thumbs have changed a little if we are talking about the same post.