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Weird play

Weird play


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Hi. I wonder if I'm the only one who notices this pattern or not!
I usually ask for "Fast Play! One game one day" for my open game names. It works fairly well with most playing at LEAST 6-8 moves/day UNTIL!!! I get an advantage, taking a major player for a small one, or are about ready to checkmate! THEN the damn rate of play instantly goes to the max allowed by the time constraints!!! Don't the people on here know how rude and childish it is to retaliate that way??? I had one player say, "Gee, he didn't know he was about to lose so he went to work leaving me with a game 1/2 move from checkmate!!!" And he didn't tell me he was leaving!!!! If you look back throuogh my games you'll see that unless it's gonna be a minor issue, I give notice when I'm leaving, and the approx. time I'll be back! I think it's the courteous thing to do! Why are the people on here so rude as compared to people in regular clubs???
Gary Thomas

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It's not rude - you might not like it but it's allowed by the rules. And it is also a common complaint in the forums.

I think there should be a special forum, called "Rants" for these threads - could make for good reading.

edit : Site Ideas here I come.

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Originally posted by Gary Thomas
Hi. I wonder if I'm the only one who notices this pattern or not!
I usually ask for "Fast Play! One game one day" for my open game names. It works fairly well with most playing at LEAST 6-8 moves/day UNTIL!!! I get an advantage, taking a major player for a small one, or are about ready to checkmate! THEN the damn rate of play instantly goes to t ...[text shortened]... e the people on here so rude as compared to people in regular clubs???
Gary Thomas
War is war, loser.

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You are not the only one who has noticed it. It is just something that happens here. The best way to deal with it is just to live with it and start a new game. It is a hard sometimes to believe people sometimes get called away on real life issues, or get tired, but it happens. That is what correspondence chess is all about. Some correspond less than others. Play when and how you feel comfortable for you within the pre arraigned time limits, not what is comfortable for you opponent. Be patient young man, stop with the rush, rush, rush of life and learn to set back and enjoy life. Go sip some tea or Tequila and feel the tranquility. You never see the old Bull get in a hurry just the young calves. Ummmmmmmm.......ummmmmmmmmm.

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It is a form of manipulation that works with non-subscribers. As the non-subscribers can only play a maximum of 6 games, then slugging the play to the slowest possible pace leaves them either extremely frustrated or experiencing a complete loss of connectedness to their games and play. They then forget (or neglect) to log in, largely from a loss of interest. Guess what? They lose on time and the manipulator picks up the win. Those of us who got our pawnstars simply take on the additional games and let the poor manipulators enjoy their lost game positions for a few months until it's all over.

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Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
It's not rude - you might not like it but it's allowed by the rules. And it is also a common complaint in the forums.

I think there should be a special forum, called "Rants" for these threads - could make for good reading.

edit : Site Ideas here I come.
Sir, "Allowed by the rules" certainly does NOT mean it's not rude and childish as well! When you accept one of the "open" games you presumably agree to it's stated wishes as well! That's one reason I see the >1600 and other things as well. It's people asking for a specific type of player. If you're NOT that type of player, don't answer the call! But don't take the game, move reasonably quickly for exactly four moves and then slow to the max allowed! THAT is simply a selfish baby wanting you to quit so his rating will rise whether he deserves it or not! It has NOTHING to do with Chess which is above all supposed to be a "Gentleman's game"! These spoiled brats SHOULD be rewarded by expulsion, and just maybe good taste could be restored to an honourable game! Why is not a "Moderator" for looking into THESE types of unacceptable behavior for "Patterns of play" which are obvious ploys such as the one above! Oh, And finally, it's NOT "ranting" when you have a legitimate complaint! From your attitude I would guess you might fit the pattern I'm talking about, do you???
Gary Thomas

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I agree that it's probably not worth the salt I'll get thrown onto my cuts, but! Here goes! Number one if you had read my profile you might see I'm 61, not a "kid"! 2. If no one complains about abuses and unfair "Ploys" which win by NOT playing, then the spoiled brats such as the cute idiot who likes to use the word "loser" so much one wonders just how intimately he's aquainted with losing DO win! As a wise philosopher once said, "For evil to triumph it is only necessary for good men to do nothing!" Now I'll take cover from the vitiperution which "Loser" will pounce with!

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Originally posted by Gary Thomas
Sir, "Allowed by the rules" certainly does NOT mean it's not rude and childish as well! When you accept one of the "open" games you presumably agree to it's stated wishes as well! That's one reason I see the >1600 and other things as well. It's people asking for a specific type of player. If you're NOT that type of player, don't answer the call! But guess you might fit the pattern I'm talking about, do you???
Gary Thomas
Expulsion for what? Moving within the agreed time-controls? While it may seem unethical, they're not actually doing anything wrong.

If you want to avoid this kind of situation, use the time controls to set up shorter games with no timebank.

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Originally posted by Gary Thomas
I agree that it's probably not worth the salt I'll get thrown onto my cuts, but! Here goes! Number one if you had read my profile you might see I'm 61, not a "kid"! 2. If no one complains about abuses and unfair "Ploys" which win by NOT playing, then the spoiled brats such as the cute idiot who likes to use the word "loser" so much one wonders just h ...[text shortened]... hing!" Now I'll take cover from the vitiperution which "Loser" will pounce with!
it's a fair point, but unfortunately you cannot stop it; the player is still moving within the time you created when you offered the game; if you really want to play a game like that, can i suggest either hit the play blitz tab on the right hand side or - which i would recommend - play yahoo chess... i think the maximum time a player can have on yahoo is an hour, most games though are played about 15mins for each player, so if you're on the net for about four hours you could get around 4 - 5 games in

i appreciate your point, but the truth is rhp simply isn't geared for quick games...

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Originally posted by eatmybishop
i appreciate your point, but the truth is rhp simply isn't geared for quick games...
But it's sister site is:


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Originally posted by Gary Thomas
Hi. I wonder if I'm the only one who notices this pattern or not!
I usually ask for "Fast Play! One game one day" for my open game names. It works fairly well with most playing at LEAST 6-8 moves/day UNTIL!!! I get an advantage, taking a major player for a small one, or are about ready to checkmate! THEN the damn rate of play instantly goes to t ...[text shortened]... e the people on here so rude as compared to people in regular clubs???
Gary Thomas
don't set any timebank and 1 day per move

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Originally posted by Gary Thomas
From your attitude I would guess you might fit the pattern I'm talking about, do you???
Gary Thomas
Nope - sorry, I don't fit your description, if I did I wouldn't actually be playing much chess here at all. I only play a few games at a time so it would be fairly pointless for me to act like that.
It's not a very regular occurrence practiced by non-subscribers for obvious reasons. [from what I can tell]

I have no "attitude" on this subject - if it's not against the rules here, it's perfectly acceptable [apparently] There are things I dislike here too, for example the Vacation System, which in my opinion is a more pressing matter that needs reform. 😠

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Originally posted by coquette
It is a form of manipulation that works with non-subscribers. As the non-subscribers can only play a maximum of 6 games, then slugging the play to the slowest possible pace leaves them either extremely frustrated or experiencing a complete loss of connectedness to their games and play. They then forget (or neglect) to log in, largely from a loss of interest ...[text shortened]... let the poor manipulators enjoy their lost game positions for a few months until it's all over.

Really really well said! Worth a rec πŸ™‚

Take a star and go kill those manies slowly. Just once every few days I encounter a move in one of my games in which I'm easily winning. When I see what my opponent did, I smile for a sec, and then go for the next killer move. Takes too long? I'll sign up for three tourneys extra and get to play LOTS of moves every day! πŸ™‚ I just love this site.

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Originally posted by Daemon Sin
Expulsion for what? Moving within the agreed time-controls? While it may seem unethical, they're not actually doing anything wrong.

If you want to avoid this kind of situation, use the time controls to set up shorter games with no timebank.
Or play blitz! And when the blitz part here doesn't work, there's always www.uchess.com (never use it anymore though, I kinda like the slow stuff here, teaches me patience, one of the things you need to have if you want to become a good chessplayer.

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damn it. I was expecting a play of weirds from this thread. or fighting weirds at least.

I am very disappointed in you.

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