You are THE best person on this site! I still want my freakin' rematch!
My Nimzo-Larsen Attack will strike you down.....eventually! My rating is
going to be much higher after I finish this series of games I'm in right
now! Nice to internetally ( is that a word?) know you too!!!!!
Tony!!!! ( This post gets 4 ! after
my name cuz you are freakin sweet!)
Do I have a career in in comedy?!!
Dya think?
I practice all the time in front of the mirror but its not the same when
your the only one laughing and the hairs on the hairbrush ur
pretending is a microphone get into ur mouth and no matter how hard
u try to get them out of ur mouth you always end up swallowing them
and coughing and spluttering and you know that would have been
funny if someone else had seen it happen but they didnt cos you were
on ur own in the first place and then...
Im rambling again aint I but im just so enthusiastic about it once I
get going I cant stop and then...
Ill stop now, k.