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Well all

Well all


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WHOOOOOO!! Congrats Dave! I was wondering where you were!


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Thanks Tony...I appreciate it.


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No Problem!

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You really are one of the best people on this site Tony.

I am glad to have played you and well...internetally know you..I guess
that is how you would put it. Friends are hard to find and you are a
good one.

Thanks again.


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You are THE best person on this site! I still want my freakin' rematch!
My Nimzo-Larsen Attack will strike you down.....eventually! My rating is
going to be much higher after I finish this series of games I'm in right
now! Nice to internetally ( is that a word?) know you too!!!!!

Tony!!!! ( This post gets 4 ! after
my name cuz you are freakin sweet!)

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Congratulations, we were missing you, I hope you keep together all
your life, and continue been happy.

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Thanks Boby.


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Congrats Dave! You have my best wishes! Hope your marriage is full of happiness
and joy!

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Thanks Big Daddy...I really appreciate tha


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Its always nice to see a nice guy,
whos a nice chess player,
having a nice time,
in a nice place,
after a nice occasion,
with another nice person,
whos now his nice wife.
Hmmm, I think i should invest in a thesaurus.

But seriously
Congrats Dave


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Thanks Mark...I will be smiling over that one for the rest of the day.


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Do I have a career in in comedy?!!
Dya think?
I practice all the time in front of the mirror but its not the same when
your the only one laughing and the hairs on the hairbrush ur
pretending is a microphone get into ur mouth and no matter how hard
u try to get them out of ur mouth you always end up swallowing them
and coughing and spluttering and you know that would have been
funny if someone else had seen it happen but they didnt cos you were
on ur own in the first place and then...
Im rambling again aint I but im just so enthusiastic about it once I
get going I cant stop and then...
Ill stop now, k.

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From the bottom of my heart: Congratulations (I sing this)! And may I
wish you both (and in the future more?) a myriad days of happiness.

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Thank you so much Jan...everybody has been so kind with their words
congratulating me on forever losing the authority in my house that I
have been having many tears of joy.


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