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Radio-Aktivität // Kraftwerk

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Hey Rosetta....nice little indie band from Newfoundland

"death is quick" as heard on the Vinyl Cafe

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keuhkot - Älä koskaan kuuntele ihmisiä (never listen to humans)

keuhkot - hohtimet ja jakoavain (pincers and a spanner)

keuhkot - aikaani edellä (ahead of my time)

keuhkot - lihaa y-akselilla olen oikeassa (meat on the y-axis I am right)

a classic finnish avantgarde EP from 1991. a record which probably affected my philosophical and musical orientation the most in my teens.

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Originally posted by wormwood
keuhkot - Älä koskaan kuuntele ihmisiä (never listen to humans)

keuhkot - hohtimet ja jakoavain (pincers and a spanner)

keuhkot - aikaani edellä (ahead of my time)

keuhkot - lihaa y-akselilla olen oikeassa (meat on the y-axis I am right)


a classic finnish avantgarde EP from 1991. a record which probably affected my philosophical and musical orientation the most in my teens.
Very cool video!

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Originally posted by rbmorris
Very cool video!
nowadays he's performing 'karaoke shows', where he sings his own material. 🙂

the video sound is of useless quality, but the song is 'helsingin jätevedet', the sewage waters of helsinki. a megalomaniacally pompous, almost facist rant on how he can read the life stories of a million people from the sewage. 😀

at some point he used to perform 'smell symphonies', in which he ranted on a soap box, and blew with a fan various mostly unpleasent odours into the audience. it sounds pretty crazy, but having been in one of the performances, it actually worked! 😀

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Originally posted by wormwood
at some point he used to perform 'smell symphonies', in which he ranted on a soap box, and blew with a fan various mostly unpleasent odours into the audience. it sounds pretty crazy, but having been in one of the performances, it actually worked! 😀
This is really excellent. Brilliant!

The Avalanches - Since I Left You

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^ cool stuff

Manu Chao / Radio Bemba Sound System

now.. Alice Russell - My Favourite Letters

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red transistor - not bite

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Originally posted by wormwood
red transistor - not bite

Just listened to Photograph and Unwritten .

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Pandora Radio!


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The Dillards Salty Dog
featuring local star Maggie Peterson. 🙂

*Drinking Moonshine*

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Scarlet Ribbons -- The Men They Couldn't Hang

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Andrew Liles -- God Doesn't Fvck Around

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Blank Capsules of Embroidered Cellophane -- Nurse With Wound

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kyuss - whitewater

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