@handyandy saidI also enjoy (Anne Murray) songs. You know she is from Springhill, Nova Scotia.
Here's another one you might like (Anne Murray).
@kevin-eleven saidWe are having quite a time with him in the U.S. and me in Canada! 😉
I'm just hanging out with VR, playing some Barry White with the lights down low. 😉
@very-rusty saidSir, I respect you too much to accept your offer of tongue hockey. Plus, you are not quite my type. 😉
I think we rushed past the 1970s too quickly. This afternoon while out for a bicycle ride it was so warm I was reminded of "Summer" by War.
(apologies to people living where it's late fall now -- I'm aware of this discrepancy -- I do try not to be a North Hem Supremacist but it's so easy to get lulled back into it)