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What Are You Thinking About Today?

What Are You Thinking About Today?



Originally posted by HandyAndy
Twice before? Refresh my memory. Which play was it?
One to a customer. Just relax and enjoy Will's words.

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searched for half an hour, scouring all the shakespearian databases i am privy too...

that quote ain't ole bill...

there's a few others feel the same way...


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Will's words
Prove it.

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Originally posted by HandyAndy

Prove it.
BrainyQuote and other references source attribute this insightful and touching poetic line to William Shakspeare. Others claim it's probably a proverb. Who the heck cares. You toss a burger down your neck and enjoy it but you don't bother yourself and others by trotting off to some anonymous farmyard to try and figure out which heifer's mother or father may have bit the bullet, not so very long ago, while it was in school. Why do you persist in fingering things to death in public places like an ill behaved child? Enjoy Will's words as you chomp on your burger, then let it go! Please.



Originally posted by rookie54
searched for half an hour, scouring all the shakespearian databases i am privy too...

that quote ain't ole bill...

there's a few others feel the same way...
Good work. Now, enjoy it (if you're an uncle or dad) and let the academic references go. Please coach tottering Andy on how to do the same. Thanks.

By the way, have you posted your contest pick?


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
1) let the academic references go
2) Please coach tottering Andy on how to do the same
3) By the way, have you posted your contest pick?
1) i thought you were the stalwart bastion of all things proper and correct???
i stand corrected...

2) andy's doing just fine without my help, pass...

3) there are some folks whose gifts, entreaties, false praise, brown-nosing and bribery i will take...
you ain't one of em...
i think duecer said it best, "piss off geezer"... LOL
i'll pass on yer "contest"...


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Who the heck cares.
I care. Ask BrainyQuote and your other sources which play it's from. Stop whining and show a little initiative.


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Please coach tottering Andy on how to do the same.
I may be tottering, Bobby, but I can still run rings around you.


Originally posted by rookie54
1) i thought you were the stalwart bastion of all things proper and correct???
i stand corrected...

2) andy's doing just fine without my help, pass...

3) there are some folks whose gifts, entreaties, false praise, brown-nosing and bribery i will take...
you ain't one of em...
i think duecer said it best, "piss off geezer"... LOL
i'll pass on yer "contest"...
Your life. Your choices. Your lot to live with the consequences.


Originally posted by HandyAndy
I care. Ask BrainyQuote and your other sources which play it's from. Stop whining and show a little initiative.
Hand off has been made. Ball's yours. Run with it if you've got the legs.



It seems fairly even split between "jewish proverb" and "shakespeare" but posters make some points:
1. It's not in the writing style of Shakespeare
2. None of the Shakespeare supporters can come up with a reference

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Hand off has been made. Ball's yours. Run with it if you've got the legs.
Whom are you quoting now?

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Originally posted by Kewpie

It seems fairly even split between "jewish proverb" and "shakespeare" but posters make some points:
1. It's not in the writing style of Shakespeare
2. None of the Shakespeare supporters can come up with a reference
Interesting. Thanks.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
What are you thinking about today?
I'm thinking how thankful the Democratic Party is, that the Vice Presidential debate is conveniently running alongside Thursday night football and a Major League Baseball playoff game... so as to get the smallest audience possible.

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What Are You Thinking About Today?

About the soiled dishes and siverware I left in the sink when I stumbled off to sleep and almost missed the bed; mostly about people, especially, the guy who will have to feed the Whirlpool on 'Maximum Settings Select' when he's aroused by the side effects of Neurontin (unbelievable... yikes) and eventually awakes. That's not all. Gets worse. Right this very moment, even as we speak, he's dreaming pleasant dreams about Thanksgiving Day Dinners future, present and past and of drowning in the vortex of a poem he recently read that goes something like this:

Bless Their Hearts

At Steak 'n Shake I learned that if you add
"Bless their hearts" after their names, you can say
whatever you want about them and it's OK.
My son, bless his heart, is an idiot,
she said. He rents storage space for his kids'
toys—they're only one and three years old!
I said, my father, bless his heart, has turned
into a sentimental old fool. He gets
weepy when he hears my daughter's greeting
on our voice mail. Before our Steakburgers came
someone else blessed her office mate's heart,
then, as an afterthought, the jealous hearts
of the entire anthropology department.
We bestowed blessings on many a heart
that day. I even blessed my ex-wife's heart.
Our waiter, bless his heart, would not be getting
much tip, for which, no doubt, he'd bless our hearts.
In a week it would be Thanksgiving,
and we would each sit with our respective
families, counting our blessings and blessing
the hearts of family members as only family
does best. Oh, bless us all, yes, bless us, please
bless us and bless our crummy little hearts.

by Richard Newman


How about you?

Bless your stinkin chess rating and pea pickin heart.

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