Originally posted by VivaldiMy favorite cake is a rare one made of a special kind of foot fungus that grows only on the feet of the natives of Chile. It reminds me of chicken and beef pot pies...
My fav cake is Pontefract-cake
it is a small round flat cake of Liquorice, made at pontefract, West Yorkshire UK.
Originally posted by VivaldiI thought pachyderm cakes were from Wales? Or was I mis-lead by the spelling?
In India I had the scrapings of the bum of pachyderm cake and it was shite 🙂 but I eat it as I was told that if I never eat it I would be the next bum in the pot 😛
bloody heck I thought as I eat it ðŸ˜
Originally posted by mikelompach·y·derm;
I thought pachyderm cakes were from Wales? Or was I mis-lead by the spelling?
Any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the
elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.
[French pachyderme, from New Latin *Pachyderma, sing. of Pachydermata,
obsolete order name, from Greek pakhudermos, thick-skinned : pakhus,
thick + derma, skin]
So you are both hippopotamusly right. Its a thick-skinned Welsh animal
that can only be found in French India.
Originally posted by PeachyDoes that mean the United States is run by a pachyderm too then?
Any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the
elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.
[French pachyderme, from New Latin *Pachyderma, sing. of Pachydermata,
obsolete order name, from Greek pakhudermos, thick-skinned : pakhus,
thick + derma, skin]
So you are both hippopotamusly right. Its a thick-skinned Welsh animal
that can only be found in French India.
Originally posted by PeachyBut are these thick skinned mammals any good in bed, like the Welsh sheep 😛
Any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the
elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.
[French pachyderme, from New Latin *Pachyderma, sing. of Pachydermata,
obsolete order name, from Greek pakhudermos, thick-skinned : pakhus,
thick + derma, skin]
So you are both hippopotamusly right. Its a thick-skinned Welsh animal
that can only be found in French India.