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What's Your IQ?

What's Your IQ?


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12 min. timed-124
Culture Fair-115
The big one- yeah right!

Whew, it's way after my bedtime and I'm dead. I hope I don't talk myself into playing anymore chess before bed cause I'll just mess myself up. These were fun though


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Originally posted by royalchicken
I frequent 3 online forums, and whenever a 'what's your iq?' thread appears, everyone always says >=120. Strange.
Perhaps you don't hang around long enough in fora where the average IQ is under 120...

BTW. My Test The Nation score was 124 - a bit lower than I had hoped I hasten to add - but my IQ score has been steadily deteriorating since I was a teenager scoring in the mid 140s - which is worrying because it is supposed to consider age!

I felt the TTN test was too focused on speed - each question being limited to 15 seconds or so. Of course, like all IQ tests it is marked on the bell with 100 in the middle but the test was certainly going to be biased towards speed. I got timed out on four or five questions - ggrrrr...

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I took it and I scored 141 (using the ultimate IQ test at HighIQSociety) and finally I find an IQ test that scores accurately πŸ˜›

This apparently puts me in the "highly gifted" category and in the top one percent of the population. What this means is that if you are reading this, there is a very good possiblity that you will not understand some of the words I am using. πŸ˜€

But why can't I play chess? πŸ˜•

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I took the test on emode.com (not sure how accurate it is) but scored a 127 (good or bad i dunno???) πŸ™„πŸ˜€πŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by knapster
I took the test on emode.com (not sure how accurate it is) but scored a 127 (good or bad i dunno???) πŸ™„πŸ˜€πŸ˜‰
i don't think the e-mode one's very accurate-i scored over 180 on it...πŸ˜• but i got 127 on thisaone...and i got 12-something on the test the nation one...never had a proper one done though

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I did two of the tests. One was the normal one and the other had to be done in under 12 minutes.

I scored 111 for the first one (which is generally far lower than I normally score) and I scored 130 for the second one (which is generally slightly lower than I normally score).

So, I'm off to the pub to motivate my braincells with beer.

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I have participated about 6 months ago in an IQ test. My score was 146. I thought the test was too easy, but the average was still about 100. In my opinion IQ tests aren't fair. If you are good in mathematics or in thinking logically, you will always get a high score. I think your IQ shouldn't be calculated this way. Intelligence is much more than thinking logical, but in IQ tests it is about 50% of the test. At least that is my experience. I read some other IQ tests without participating and they all have at least this 50%, maybe even more.

I am a mathematics student, so I have to think logical, so that's why I scored this high, but in my opinion there need to be much more in IQ tests, because I think very many people are smarter than me, and according this test there shouldn't be.

Something to say about the post of RoyalChicken. It isn't that strange that in forums the average score is this high. People with a low score won't tell their score as easy as people who have a high score. People think an IQ test reflects their intelligence, so that's why low results won't reach the forums that often. Let me get one thing straight: An IQ test does NOT reflect anybody's intelligence. Someone with an IQ of 150 probably will be smarter than someone with an IQ of 50, but someone with an IQ of 130 certainly doesn't need to be more intelligent than someone with an IQ of 100. At least, that is what I think.

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I took the test again and got a 134.. I just really hate the "which type of shape ccan not be made by this unfolded figure?" ugh!!! they frive me CRAZY!!!

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I scored 139. Did I win? πŸ˜€
Anyway, IQ=100*(intellectual age)/(real age), or that is what I heard.

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Originally posted by lust
There's a really acurate IQ test for anyone who's interested. Take the test and post your IQ here. I thinkthe site is www.highiqsociety.org

Mine is 120
Pfffffffffffffft! What the Hell do all those spacial thingys have to do with IQ!!!!! I am smart! I have a high IQ. I hate math. I hate that spacial stuff. sorrrry.....I feel better now

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Originally posted by lust
I took the test again and got a 134.. I just really hate the "which type of shape ccan not be made by this unfolded figure?" ugh!!! they frive me CRAZY!!!
They frive me crazy as well.....

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Note that I can understand thermodynamics but can't type to save my life!
The object behind the shapes and math, etc is to determine how well you can manipulate and analyze abstract ideas. (i.e. Einstien and Hawking). Another note, IQ is the quotent between your actual age and mental age. So in theory, a 20 year old person with an IQ of 200 is still not as intellectually capable as a 50 year old person with an IQ of 100. To say someone with an IQ of 200 is "smarter than everyone else" isn't really acurate. An IQ of 200 is simply rarer. A high IQ also doesn't teach a persom spelling, grammer, geography, chess, etc. They would just learn is easier than most people.
I'm a member of Mensa (if you want a real test contact your local Mensa chapter). And I'm not saying πŸ™‚

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Originally posted by saintnick
The object behind the shapes and math, etc is to determine how well you can manipulate and analyze abstract ideas. (i.e. Einstien and Hawking). Another note, IQ is the quotent between your actual age and mental age. So in theory, a 20 year old person with an IQ of 200 is still not as intellectually capable as a 50 year old person with an IQ of 100. To say ...[text shortened]... r of Mensa (if you want a real test contact your local Mensa chapter). And I'm not saying πŸ™‚
Mensa North Pole!


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Originally posted by saintnick
The object behind the shapes and math, etc is to determine how well you can manipulate and analyze abstract ideas. (i.e. Einstien and Hawking). Another note, IQ is the quotent between your actual age and mental age. So in theory, a 20 yea ...[text shortened]... test contact your local Mensa chapter). And I'm not saying πŸ™‚
Some of this is not exactly right. Actual IQ are scaled so that the mean is 100 and they follow an approximately normal distribution, with a standard deviation of 16 on most modern tests. I'd guess that the mean on HP is slightly higher than 100 though, and the distribution would be rather skewed as there are, for example, many more 120s than 80s here, and probably a few 150s with virtually no 50s.

I don't know how closesly it correlates to 'intelligence', or even what intelligence is, though. One of the reasons I like the RHP forums is that there are a lot of people here who I consider to be cleverer than I am, and I think I have much to gain from talking to them, though speaking from statistics I doubt they have a higher IQ. Actually, intelligence seems more given to measurement or approximation as a 'vector' than as a scalar, as subcategories like memory, analytic skill etc. seem more given to numerical rating than 'intelligence'.

This still doesn't seem satisfactory though. For example, we'd agree that 'intelligence' is a broader category than 'chess ability', and we acknowledge that ratings are not a perfect measure of the latter.

If I haven't made it clear, I agree with tejo. Actually, IQ-like scores are sometimes used in schools to interpret the academic and social behaviour of children, though I'd say that that practice is about as credible as a doctor determining one's health solely from one's blood pressure; extremes are probably indicative of something, but little else. Someone with an IQ of 190 is certainly quite clever, but someone with an IQ of 90 is not necessarily not clever.

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Originally posted by tejo
Let me get one thing straight: An IQ test does NOT reflect anybody's intelligence. Someone with an IQ of 150 probably will be smarter than someone with an IQ of 50, but someone with an IQ of 130 certainly doesn't need to be more intelligent than someone with an IQ of 100. At least, that is what I think.

Originally posted by royalchicken
I'd say that that practice is about as credible as a doctor determining one's health solely from one's blood pressure; extremes are probably indicative of something, but little else. Someone with an IQ of 190 is certainly quite clever, but someone with an IQ of 90 is not necessarily not clever.

Very nicely expressed tejo and RC!

While doing IQ tests on a website is fun, it is unfortunate that so many education institutions take things well beyond this 'fun' and often carve the course of a person's life through this mechanism.

Below is an article about an 'experiment' conducted in Teacher's Education (from my early teaching days) regarding IQ tests.

I think you will find it interesting (may be even fascinating).

In friendship,

When teaching a course on tests and measurements at Kent State University recently, I decided to administer an adult group intelligence test to the class. I wanted the students to "feel" what it was like to take such a test and realize what items we use to measure intelligence. I also thought they might be more aware of the short time it takes to obtain a number which is regarded as very important by many educators.

The students were told not to write their names on the test papers, but rather to use a code such as their house number, physical measurements, or any less obvious symbol. I explained that I really didn't have faith in IQ scores; therefore, I didn't want to know their IQs.

The administration of the test required only 50 minutes. The students seemed to enjoy taking it and chuckled at some of the tasks they were expected to perform. I had to laugh myself when I saw some of them looking at their hands and feet when responding to items concerning right and left.

Upon scoring the test I found that the lowest IQ was 87 and the highest 143. The mean IQ for the 48 students was 117. I was not astonished by the 87, even though all of the students had successfully completed the general education courses and student teaching at Kent State and were ready to graduate by the end of the term. After all, IQ tests have many limitations.

Then I got an idea. I decided to prepare a report for each student, writing his code on the outside and "IQ 87" on the inside of each. I folded and stapled each paper - after all, an IQ is confidential information!

At the next class period, I arranged all of the folded papers on a table at the front of the room. I wrote the range and the average IQ on the chalkboard. Many students snickered at the thought of somebody getting an 87. The students were eager and afraid as I began by explaining the procedures for picking up their papers. I made a point of telling them not to tell others their IQ score, because this would make the other person feel as if he too had to divulge his "total endowment". The students were then directed to come up to the table, row by row, to find their coded paper. I stood sheepishly - ready to laugh out loud as I watched the students carefully open their papers and see "IQ 87". Many opened their mouths with astonishment and then smiled at their friends to indicate they were extremely happy with their scores.

There was dead silence when I began to discuss the implications of the IQ scores. I explained that in some states a person who scores below 90 on an IQ test is classified as a slow learner. The fact that group intelligence tests should not be used to make such a classification was stressed. I also emphasized the fact that someone in this class could have been classified as a slow learner and placed in a special class on the basis of this test.

I told how many guidance counselors would discourage a child with an 87 IQ from attending college. Again I emphasized the fact that, that one person in this room was ready to graduate from college having passed several courses in history, biology, English, and many other areas.

I then went on to explain that the majority of elementary and secondary school teachers believe in ability grouping. This is usually done on the basis of intelligence tests, so I explained that I would like to try ability grouping with this class again to see ''how it feels". Some students objected right away saying that "I did not want to know their IQ scores". I calmed them down by saying it would be a worthwhile learning experience and assured them that I really didn't believe in IQ scores.

I told the students not to move at this time, but I would like all of those with an IQ below 90 to come to the front so they could sit nearer to me for individual help. I told the students who had an average IQ (between 90 -109) to go to the back of the room and then take the seats in the middle of the class. The students with an above average IQ were asked to go to the side of the room and take the seats in the back because they really didn't need much extra help.

"O.K. All those who got an IQ below 90 can come to the front of the room.'' T he students looked around to find those who scored below 90. I said that I knew there was an 87 and may be a couple of 89's. Again, there was dead silence.

"O.K., all those students whose IQ is between 90 -109 go to the back of the room." Immediately, to my amazement, 8 or 10 students picked up their books and headed for the back of the room. Before they could get there I said, "Wait a minute! Sit down! I don't want to embarrass you, but you would lie and cheat - the same way we make our students lie and cheat because you don't want to be classified as 'slow'. I wrote 'IQ 87' on every paper!"

The class erupted. It was in an uproar for about five minutes. Some of the women cried. Some indicated that they needed to use the restroom. All agreed it was a horrifying and yet valuable experience.

I asked them to do one thing for me: Please don't label kids. Because we are all "gifted", "average", and "slow" depending on the task at hand. They promised.

Teachers Don't Want To Be Labeled
By Harry W Forgan (Kent State University Chapter)
Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, University of Miami, Florida

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