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What's your revelation?

What's your revelation?


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My revelations, not sudden or anything but I think important:

With all due respect to everyone's belief systems...none of us really "know" anything. We cling to what makes sense for us to keep from going insane...

Revelation 2: The meaning of my life has been directly shown to me in the birth of my child. I have never felt a more sense of bliss...better than any drug or any other sensation....

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I had this a long time ago: people of different "races" (I don't believe in that word btw) can mate and have fertile offspring, therefore the so-called races are the same, any differences are extremely superficial.

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Originally posted by Nyxie
When I was younger I finnally figured out that the reason time holds no meaning for me is because it does'nt really exist. It's just something we came up with to measure things like growth and decay.
I used to think time didn't exist, now I think I just don't understand what it is.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
I used to think time didn't exist, now I think I just don't understand what it is.
Yeah I think I was on the same line of thinking as you. Like Time was a man made invention and, if somehow abandoned, could mankind live longer? Like some bizarre placebo effect or something.

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When I realized most people are in fact as dumb as they appear.

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Originally posted by Joe Fist
Yeah I think I was on the same line of thinking as you. Like Time was a man made invention and, if somehow abandoned, could mankind live longer? Like some bizarre placebo effect or something.
Well, it was Nyxie's post that made me remember that idea I had er before ... In the past er ... Whatever. If you can measure time, is it the only thing you can measure that doesn't exist?
In the last 24 hours, Seti@home computers have worked for 1063 years ...
Tricky stuff, time is ...

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
Well, it was Nyxie's post that made me remember that idea I had er before ... In the past er ... Whatever. If you can measure time, is it the only thing you can measure that doesn't exist?
In the last 24 hours, Seti@home computers have worked for 1063 years ...
Tricky stuff, time is ...
Uh I think you mean in the last 24 hours Seti@home has totaled the equivilent of one computer working for 1063 years.

Ah the wonders of multiplication.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
Uh I think you mean in the last 24 hours Seti@home has totaled the equivilent of one computer working for 1063 years.

Ah the wonders of multiplication.
Ya, like "man-hours"
Or parallel time

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The charity I work for has been going for 30 years, in that time we have provided somewhere close to 445 years of care, how the hell does that work?

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Originally posted by Starrman
The charity I work for has been going for 30 years, in that time we have provided somewhere close to 445 years of care, how the hell does that work?
If two men each work one hour at the same time, you get two man-hours in one hour. Six men, six man-hours.

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I discovered that 'people will do to you' whatever you allow them to.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
I used to think time didn't exist, now I think I just don't understand what it is.
According to some of the top philosophers, there are really ony 5 dimensions. We have length, width and height for 3 dimensional objects, but in order for them to MOVE there has to be a 4th dimention and that is TIME. Without time nothing could move...

The 5th dimension is considered by many to be the spirit world. Hence an entitiy or GOD, who would be a 5th dimensional being, would not be bound by time. He/she/it, would be able to go to any period of time, like opening a page in a book, and even rewrite that page!

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
If two men each work one hour at the same time, you get two man-hours in one hour. Six men, six man-hours.
I just had a revelation that some people find sarcasm and irony difficult in humour 🙂 😛 😀

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Originally posted by arrakis
According to some of the top philosophers, there are really ony 5 dimensions. We have length, width and height for 3 dimensional objects, but in order for them to MOVE there has to be a 4th dimention and that is TIME. Without time nothing could move...

The 5th dimension is considered by many to be the spirit world. Hence an entitiy or GOD, who would be a ...[text shortened]... able to go to any period of time, like opening a page in a book, and even rewrite that page!

Some physicists say there are up to 11 dimensions. 4 dimensional space-time unfolded as the universe expanded, the rest stayed curled up small.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
Well, it was Nyxie's post that made me remember that idea I had er before ... In the past er ... Whatever. If you can measure time, is it the only thing you can measure that doesn't exist?
In the last 24 hours, Seti@home computers have worked for 1063 years ...
Tricky stuff, time is ...
Kind of gets me thinking of the book and movie, Slaughterhouse Five. The whole concept.

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