@great-big-stees saidquiet stees!
Don’t take this the wrong way but you need help. You actually looked up how to detach your... I can’t even type it without thinking OMG.π²
i got her thinking just like i want her to think
@rookie54 saidSorry. I have a penchant for sticking my nose where I shouldn’t, fortunately I never lie otherwise...well just think about the possible results, we’re I...a fibber.π²π
quiet stees!
i got her thinking just like i want her to think
@rookie54 saidI guess I should ask the obvious question
i've been using superglue to help repair a split thumbnail
it's only working so-so
i put fresh glue on my thumb and had to go to the bathroom and now my thumb is glued to a part of me that i do not want my thumb glued too
are you circumcised?
@hakima saidA true Renaissance woman!
Things that I couldn’t do then:
Have ice cream for dinner.
Wear my shorts as short as I like.
Drive in the fast lane.
Stay up until 2 a.m.
Purchase cheap insurance.
Watch R-rated movies.
Cuss like a sailor without getting Lava-soap-mouthwash...
Choose between wine or beer.
@great-big-stees saidI’m just a natural first-aider Stees, even keep a ventilated shoe box for concussed birds to recover after flying into my windows π
Don’t take this the wrong way but you need help. You actually looked up how to detach your... I can’t even type it without thinking OMG.π²
Good on you! I do so much at work and around the house it looks like I am in good shape for 78.
I am the official fixer upper at our house, light goes out, I fix it, refrigerator goes out, I take it apart and find what is wrong and getting it running again (actually did that)
And I compose music for acoustic guitar, mandolin, keyboards, dulcimer and have 123 tracks now on Soundcloud to prove it, of course not many folks really give a crap about that kind of thing but I like to compose new tunes.
And I am a ham, talk to folks around the world, it is a good way to maintain socializing, latest catch, talked to a guy in Serbia.
Once I talked to scientists at McMurdo sound, not a bad catch.
I am trying to figure out how I can talk directly to astronauts on ISS, there is a ham rig onboard and if you are in the right place and right time as it swings overhead, you can talk to them directly.
@lemondrop saidWhen I was young, I could party all night and go to work the next day with no sleep. Can’t do either any more.
things I can't do now
ride a skateboard
sleep the night through
one or two other things
I could (and often did) pedal a ten-speed bike up the hill between the Peninsula and Santa Cruz, on a rock-hard plastic saddle. Today I would need more like 30 gears, a gel saddle, and a lot more time.
@moonbus saidI have to wear cushioned spanks to ride my static bike.
When I was young, I could party all night and go to work the next day with no sleep. Can’t do either any more.
I could (and often did) pedal a ten-speed bike up the hill between the Peninsula and Santa Cruz, on a rock-hard plastic saddle. Today I would need more like 30 gears, a gel saddle, and a lot more time.
@moonbus saidWe really took it for granted, didn't we? I couldn't imagine why it shouldn't stay that way, still can't.
When I was young, I could party all night and go to work the next day with no sleep. Can’t do either any more.
I could (and often did) pedal a ten-speed bike up the hill between the Peninsula and Santa Cruz, on a rock-hard plastic saddle. Today I would need more like 30 gears, a gel saddle, and a lot more time.
@sonhouse saidThat sounds absolutely fascinating Sonhouse. You must let us know if you achieve that.
And I am a ham, talk to folks around the world, it is a good way to maintain socializing, latest catch, talked to a guy in Serbia.
Once I talked to scientists at McMurdo sound, not a bad catch.
I am trying to figure out how I can talk directly to astronauts on ISS, there is a ham rig onboard and if you are in the right place and right time as it swings overhead, you can talk to them directly.
@torunn saidOf course, it was wonderful having an 18-yr old body then. On the other hand, there are things I can do now which I couldn’t when I was 18, and I would not swap now even if I could.
We really took it for granted, didn't we? I couldn't imagine why it shouldn't stay that way, still can't.