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when I was young

when I was young


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@great-big-stees said
Don’t take this the wrong way but you need help. You actually looked up how to detach your... I can’t even type it without thinking OMG.😲
quiet stees!
i got her thinking just like i want her to think

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@rookie54 said
quiet stees!
i got her thinking just like i want her to think
Sorry. I have a penchant for sticking my nose where I shouldn’t, fortunately I never lie otherwise...well just think about the possible results, we’re I...a fibber.πŸ˜²πŸ™Š

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@rookie54 said
i've been using superglue to help repair a split thumbnail
it's only working so-so
i put fresh glue on my thumb and had to go to the bathroom and now my thumb is glued to a part of me that i do not want my thumb glued too
I guess I should ask the obvious question
are you circumcised?


@hakima said
Things that I couldn’t do then:

Have ice cream for dinner.
Wear my shorts as short as I like.
Drive in the fast lane.
Stay up until 2 a.m.
Purchase cheap insurance.
Watch R-rated movies.
Cuss like a sailor without getting Lava-soap-mouthwash...
Choose between wine or beer.
A true Renaissance woman!



@lemondrop said

are you circumcised?

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@rookie54 said


@great-big-stees said
Don’t take this the wrong way but you need help. You actually looked up how to detach your... I can’t even type it without thinking OMG.😲
I’m just a natural first-aider Stees, even keep a ventilated shoe box for concussed birds to recover after flying into my windows πŸ™‚


@rookie54 said
some folks jump from really good airplanes
some folks swim with sharks
some folks put they head in the lion's mouth
some sleep onna bench in the park

how are YOU gonna die?

edit for dumb
Shot by a jealous husband?

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Good on you! I do so much at work and around the house it looks like I am in good shape for 78.
I am the official fixer upper at our house, light goes out, I fix it, refrigerator goes out, I take it apart and find what is wrong and getting it running again (actually did that)
And I compose music for acoustic guitar, mandolin, keyboards, dulcimer and have 123 tracks now on Soundcloud to prove it, of course not many folks really give a crap about that kind of thing but I like to compose new tunes.
And I am a ham, talk to folks around the world, it is a good way to maintain socializing, latest catch, talked to a guy in Serbia.
Once I talked to scientists at McMurdo sound, not a bad catch.
I am trying to figure out how I can talk directly to astronauts on ISS, there is a ham rig onboard and if you are in the right place and right time as it swings overhead, you can talk to them directly.


@lemondrop said
things I can't do now

ride a skateboard
sleep the night through
one or two other things
When I was young, I could party all night and go to work the next day with no sleep. Can’t do either any more.

I could (and often did) pedal a ten-speed bike up the hill between the Peninsula and Santa Cruz, on a rock-hard plastic saddle. Today I would need more like 30 gears, a gel saddle, and a lot more time.


@moonbus said
When I was young, I could party all night and go to work the next day with no sleep. Can’t do either any more.

I could (and often did) pedal a ten-speed bike up the hill between the Peninsula and Santa Cruz, on a rock-hard plastic saddle. Today I would need more like 30 gears, a gel saddle, and a lot more time.
I have to wear cushioned spanks to ride my static bike.

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@moonbus said
When I was young, I could party all night and go to work the next day with no sleep. Can’t do either any more.

I could (and often did) pedal a ten-speed bike up the hill between the Peninsula and Santa Cruz, on a rock-hard plastic saddle. Today I would need more like 30 gears, a gel saddle, and a lot more time.
We really took it for granted, didn't we? I couldn't imagine why it shouldn't stay that way, still can't.

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@sonhouse said

And I am a ham, talk to folks around the world, it is a good way to maintain socializing, latest catch, talked to a guy in Serbia.
Once I talked to scientists at McMurdo sound, not a bad catch.
I am trying to figure out how I can talk directly to astronauts on ISS, there is a ham rig onboard and if you are in the right place and right time as it swings overhead, you can talk to them directly.
That sounds absolutely fascinating Sonhouse. You must let us know if you achieve that.

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@torunn said
We really took it for granted, didn't we? I couldn't imagine why it shouldn't stay that way, still can't.
Of course, it was wonderful having an 18-yr old body then. On the other hand, there are things I can do now which I couldn’t when I was 18, and I would not swap now even if I could.

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Lets see how does that one go.

When I was young in my prime I get a girl most anytime.

Now I am getting old and grey.

The girls all look at me and say.

He is too old to cut the mustard anymore.

If only they knew!!! πŸ˜‰


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