Originally posted by zeeblebotlinks to:
* 1 Determinants of male physical attractiveness
o 1.1 Facial features
o 1.2 V-shaped torso and muscularity
o 1.3 Height and erect posture
o 1.4 Hairiness
o 1.5 Variability in preferences
* 2 Determinants of female physical attractiveness
o 2.1 Facial alignment
o 2.2 Signals of youth
o 2.3 Breast size
o 2.4 Proportion of body mass to body structure
o 2.5 Waist-hip ratio
o 2.6 Height
o 2.7 Prototypicality as beauty
o 2.8 Skin tone
* 3 Social effects of attractiveness
* 4 See also
* 5 Notes
* 6 References and bibliography
* 7 External links
Originally posted by zeeblebotfixed. :'(
Women 'can sense desperation in men's sweat'
Women can sense if men are desperate for them by the smell of his sweat, a new study has revealed.
Published: 9:59AM GMT 27 Dec 2009