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Who wants a game of MAGIC?

Who wants a game of MAGIC?


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Does anyone want a game of magic the gathering by private messaging?

We send each other what we are doing and say whats attacking etc....

I'll trust you not to cheat 😛

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Originally posted by Brother Edwin
Does anyone want a game of magic the gathering by private messaging?

We send each other what we are doing and say whats attacking etc....

I'll trust you not to cheat 😛

Message me
I draw seven cards. They are:

1 Black Lotus
1 Mountain
2 Tinder Wall
1 Berserk
1 Blood Lust
1 Ball Lightning

Turn 1 Main Phase:
1. Play Mountain.
2. Play Black Lotus. Sacrifice it for three green mana.
3. Use one green mana to play a Tinder Wall.
4. Use a second green mana to play the other Tinder Wall. One green mana is left in my mana pool.
5. Sacrifice both Tinder Walls for four red mana.
6. Use three red mana to play a Ball Lightning (6-1 creature with no summoning sickness).
7. Tap Mountain for a red mana, plus use the fourth red mana from no. 5 above to play Blood Lust on the Ball Lightning (now a 10-1 creature).
8. Use last green mana from the Black Lotus from no. 2 above. Play Berserk on Ball Lightning (Now a 20-1 creature).

Turn 1 Attack Phase:
1. Attack with 20-1 Ball Lightning without summoning sickness.
2. You take 20 points of damage. YOU LOSE because you don't have a Force Of Will in your hand.

I didn't cheat. This was my actual draw 😉

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Originally posted by rwingett
I draw seven cards. They are:

1 Black Lotus
1 Mountain
2 Tinder Wall
1 Berserk
1 Blood Lust
1 Ball Lightning

Turn 1 Main Phase:
1. Play Mountain.
2. Play Black Lotus. Sacrifice it for three green mana.
3. Use one green mana to play a Tinder Wall.
4. Use a second green mana to play the other Tinder Wall. One green mana is left in my mana pool. ...[text shortened]... e you don't have a Force Of Will in your hand.

I didn't cheat. This was my actual draw 😉
Hmm... don't make me pull out 15 pounds of cards...

I got a hot red and white mana land deck... now if I could just go back in time and write it down.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Hmm... don't make me pull out 15 pounds of cards...

I got a hot red and white mana land deck... now if I could just go back in time and write it down.

Oh yeah? Well, I'll just play my Kobold/Ornithopter deck. It doesn't require any land. It also never wins.

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Originally posted by rwingett
Oh yeah? Well, I'll just play my Kobold/Ornithopter deck. It doesn't require any land. It also never wins.
I'm going to need to dig the box out some time... and see if I can find this deck. I forgot the names of the cards... but my Red card did damages for all mana tapped, and my white card tapped all manna... and I had an artifact that gave me lives for all mana tapped.... It worked great first 2 times... after that everyone killed me first.


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I play my "opponent loses next turn" card. I win!

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I enjoy my White/Blue deck. The name that it was given after I won a local tournament was the "Ha ha you can't hurt me because I'm going to find someway to prevent all your damage" deck...And I just kept that name since then.

By the end of the tourny(It wasn't very big, just about 20 people) I had taken a total of 25 damage throughout all matches.


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Originally posted by rwingett
I draw seven cards. They are:

1 Black Lotus
1 Mountain
2 Tinder Wall
1 Berserk
1 Blood Lust
1 Ball Lightning

Turn 1 Main Phase:
1. Play Mountain.
2. Play Black Lotus. Sacrifice it for three green mana.
3. Use one green mana to play a Tinder Wall.
4. Use a second green mana to play the other Tinder Wall. One green mana is left in my mana pool. ...[text shortened]... e you don't have a Force Of Will in your hand.

I didn't cheat. This was my actual draw 😉
Dear sweet Jesu....
You nerd! 😉

My favourite deck is my cycling deck. Solely created to do as much as possible per turn. I sacrafise creatures, drag them screaming back out of the discard pile and sacrafise them again...and so on.

It's brilliant, but never wins.

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My decent decks (for casual play - I was never into Magic hardcore) were always based on the same thing - one color, weenie critters that cost no more than 3 mana, cheap creature removal, spells that made my creatures do more damage, some of my weenies with super blocking powers like banding or regeneration or first strike, the others with super attacking powers like flight or shadow, other cheap instants.

I had one a long time ago which was black and had flying and shadow critters, Howl From Beyond, Drain Life, Unholy Strength, Dark Rituals...Hypnotic Spectres and imps were in there, as well as Drudge Skeletons.

My more recent one was based on the deck that wooped my black one. It was white and had White and Silver Knights, Shadows, Swords to Plowshares, Disenchants, that scepter that you stick cheap instants on so you can keep casting them over and over, that 2 mana instant that created two little 1/1 soldier dudes...I might have had some Savannah Lions too. There was a dragon I wanted to put in - it was like the most valuable white card ever. It was one of those cards that cost 3 to put down upside down and then you paid 4 to flip it over. It was like a 4/4 flyer or a 5/5 flyer or something. It came out on the 4th round. I never had one though 🙁. Oh yeah, my deck had Longbow Archers too. I don't think I had any casting cost 1 creatures now that I think about it. They all cost 2.

I liked this style of deck because it was very strong, flexible, had mostly cheap commons, and could be thrown together in a hurry. I didn't like the game enough to plan out fiendishly clever decks with bizaare but devestating card combos.

Although I did like my one deck that used a cheap combo - it had those Soul Mirrors (white enchantment that created a little 1/1 dude every time the 1/1 dude died - so it was like a little immortal weenie) and some other card that let me sacrifice a creature to get like 1 life or something. I'd get Soul Mirror out and then sacrifice the token over and over and over and over...for infinite life.

The deck that would consistently beat my white weenie deck with all the Knights and shadows was a black Icy Manipulator deck. That thing was brutal.

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Is this a multi player game? I would prefer green but on a one on one game id play my unbeatable blue deck (revised).. It is my counter stall deck and believe me the only way you can win is to infact deal me 20 damage in one turn with no force of will in my hand. If i could play a banned deck it would be between a land destruction or a channel deck.

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Hmph. My U/R fish deck take you guys.

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Me and fat mans revenge are playing now. Good Fun

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The "Haha you can't hurt me because I'm going to find some way to prevent any damage that you do" deck has begun to work...Just a couple more creatures, and I will be invincible!


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We could play here if you want?

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Here sounds like it would be fine, as long as it doesn't annoy all the other posters.

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