@drewnogal saidI can think of a quite rude word, but instead I'll try....
- A - - I - -
F A - - I - G
Edit: Yeah, that makes sense, Islam and all...It makes sense once you know the word!
@indonesia-phil said😁
I can think of a quite rude word, but instead I'll try....
Edit: Yeah, that makes sense, Islam and all...It makes sense once you know the word!
@indonesia-phil saidMISANTHROPE ?
Oh hateful one.
Not a word I’m that familiar with but got there by building the end then middle.
Heres a word in case.
- E - E - - E - -
Stuff of queens, lovers and thieves.
@drewnogal saidJEWELLERY
Not a word I’m that familiar with but got there by building the end then middle.
Heres a word in case.
- E - E - - E - -
Stuff of queens, lovers and thieves.
● I ● A ● ● E ●
the big guys