@ponderable saidWould be fun to have a word from you 🙂
It seems that it is Drew's turn?
@indonesia-phil saidI’m needing another clue here.
Been away from the forums for a bit; holiday in Vietnam (good thing) and then a nasty head - cold (bad thing) but anyway here's a word to get things going, no need to get bent out of shape about this one...
@indonesia-phil saidCUCUMBER
Sandwich, anyone?
The ones I buy are usually straight nowadays, but the Lebanese variety are still around.
■ O ■ ■ E ■ ■ A ■ I O ■
small talk
@kewpie saidCONVERSATION.
The ones I buy are usually straight nowadays, but the Lebanese variety are still around.
■ O ■ ■ E ■ ■ A ■ I O ■
small talk
Hope you don't get stuck on this one.