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"World's Longest... "


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Originally posted by Mexico
514. wheat

I think we should just start resetting the word every time we notice a repeat
Solid remark. Help me make it happen. Thanks. 🙂

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Originally posted by Mexico
514. wheat

I think we should just start resetting the word every time we notice a repeat
515. heart

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
515. heart
516. shear.

let's get a teenager to collect all the previous words in one post, and then we all repeat that post near the top of each page.

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Originally posted by zeeblebot
516. shear.

let's get a teenager to collect all the previous words in one post, and then we all repeat that post near the top of each page.
Yea where is that work experience kid anyway......

517. rapes..... sorry I knew it wont have been used yet thou.....

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Originally posted by Mexico
Yea where is that work experience kid anyway......

517. rapes..... sorry I knew it wont have been used yet thou.....
518. drape

Suggestion: As a feeble start, let's ignore any and all same page word

repeats. If okay, enforce the mercy measure to preserve the thread.



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Originally posted by Mexico
Hey I was simply pointing out that this will never end......

I'm quite enjoying it actually...
Maybe nobody really wants the "Wordsmith Award" enough...

complimentary use of my profile space for a month. -gb 😀

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
518. drape

Suggestion: As a feeble start, let's ignore any and all same page word

repeats. If okay, enforce the mercy measure to preserve the thread.


519. e-rape ..... Its internet rape......


519. dread

I like the no 1 page repetition...

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treadOriginally posted by Mexico
519. e-rape ..... Its internet rape......


519. dread

I like the no 1 page repetition...
520. tread

*Okay. Mexico, you are hereby dubbed a member of Nordlys' posse. 🙂

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
520. tread

*Okay. Mexico, you are hereby dubbed a member of Nordlys' posse. 🙂
MUAHAHAHAHAHJHAUAHHAHA... My ascension to power begins...... First ill take this thread.... then the forum...... then moderatorship.... then RHP itself.... then the world...... MUHAHAHHAHAH...... And there's nothing any of you can do to stop me.......

first things first though.....

521. breads....

how about no 1 page... and anyone can call repetition on one they've seen before... But must be willing to find it if they call it.....

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Time Out: Note of interest, "World's Longest... " was born noontime

2/11/08 or or 16 days ago, less the two day outage = 520 word links

in 14 days or 37 per day x 365 = 13-14,000 possible within a year.

Not too shabby for a bunch of good folks who prefer to play chess.

My thanks. -gb 🙂

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Originally posted by Mexico
MUAHAHAHAHAHJHAUAHHAHA... My ascension to power begins...... First ill take this thread.... then the forum...... then moderatorship.... then RHP itself.... then the world...... MUHAHAHHAHAH...... And there's nothing any of you can do to stop me.......

first things first though.....

521. breads....

how about no 1 page... and anyone can call repetition on one they've seen before... But must be willing to find it if they call it.....
ROTFLMAO... 😀 😀 😀

Sounds a little nit picky but okay if you can get Nordlys to agree.


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
ROTFLMAO... 😀 😀 😀

Sounds a little nit picky but okay if you can get Nordlys to agree.

Not necessarily... the deal would be that you don't have to find it.... but if you call it and the poster disagrees then you'd better find it.....

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Meant that, Mex... I'm still laughing and almost moistened my pants. 😀

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Originally posted by Mexico
Not necessarily... the deal would be that you don't have to find it.... but if you call it and the poster disagrees then you'd better find it.....
Effective and simple... that's the key. Please seek input from Nordlys.

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Mexico, your genuine interest made my night. Almost time for bed, but here's a thought for you to cogitate on with Nordlys... the possible

progressive elimination of vowels. Say we eliminate the use of A's from here on (at the 500 link mark), would that also serve the same

purpose as denying words already used (or would it violate the freedom of the thread)? Think 'effective, acceptable, simple and fun'.

Nite. -gb

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