Originally posted by znshoFeminist critics I've read hate Tolkien.
Bored of the Rings, morelike. 'Oh, and she was the fairest of the fair, blah, blah, blah.......'. What a load of sop.
I haven't finished a really crap book in ages...the worst thing I can think of right now is a play by Alastair Crowley--the title escapes me, but it makes the long bits of doggerel from LOTR (remember the long version of the Cow Jumped Over The Moon?) poet laureate material.
The Thomas Covenant books were beyond boring. I got tired of reading that "lost nerves don't regenerate" every other page. But probably the worst fantasy I've read was the Blade series by Richard Lord. For reasons unexplained,this James Bond wannabe is sent, by some gizmo,into other dimensions,worlds,times,etc. All he does is bang the Queen,go out and kill some bad guys with his sword,come back and bang the Queen again,kill some more bad guys,come back...ad nauseum,until he is returned to earth,and waits for his next job.