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Would someone like to tell me why

Would someone like to tell me why


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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Economics is a bit more than money and money spending.
Check out the new Nobel Prize winners for economics !

"The thing that is amazing is that we fail to see the way the world economy works ... "

It sure is amazing ...........

Right. Like me, or you, checking out the new Nobel Prize winners in a five minute trip to the internet will make us knowledgable about their field of study. It has taken their entire life to reach that stage. I'm sure "checking them out" will make us all a lot smarter. 😞 We really need a "pure, dripping with sarcasm" emoticon.😠

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Right. Like me, or you, checking out the new Nobel Prize winners in a five minute trip to the internet will make us knowledgable about their field of study. It has taken their entire life to reach that stage. I'm sure "checking them out" will make us all a lot smarter. 😞 We really need a "pure, dripping with sarcasm" emoticon.😠

Don't have a go at people if you can't take it yourself .......

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Don't have a go at people if you can't take it yourself .......

You are speaking in riddles again. What go? What "take it". Did you say something of note? I missed it. Sorry.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
You are speaking in riddles again. What go? What "take it". Did you say something of note? I missed it. Sorry.

Don't look in the mirror, you might learn something about yourself ...
Don't listen to others, you might learn something about yourself ...

Just close your eyes, shut your ears and say to yourself "The others don't know anything except when they agree with me."

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Don't look in the mirror, you might learn something about yourself ...
Don't listen to others, you might learn something about yourself ...

Just close your eyes, shut your ears and say to yourself "The others don't know anything except when they agree with me."

Are you in a "Self Help" session, or is this directed at me? Please try to concentrate. If you have something to say, try saying it without a meaningless riddle. "Look in the mirror! You are feeling very sleepy!"

Crap. Grow up a bit there. How would I know if I agree with you? You HAVE NOT STATED A SINGLE IDEA OR OPINION IN THIS, OR ANY OTHER THREAD. Are we supposed to read your damned mind? Is that what looking in the mirror will do for me? Is it a window into your mind? Why is the front page of dyl's paper about the governor of California, jug head? See my opinion on my first post. Where is yours?

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Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected by people who hold the same political views that you hold. You stated that you don't like Mr.S.
At the same time you share one big idol : Ronald Reagan.
I've asked you in another thread : How is it possible that such a mighty and rich country is not able to solve that big problem called Poverty. How is it possible that the US are not able to solve the problem of the growing gap between rich and poor in their own country ? Maybe the choice of politicians has to do with this ?
Of course you want to solve these problems, but what are you willing to give up for that ? Nothing ! Nothing at all ! Not a Penny !

It is very hard for me to take your words seriously. "We have to share. We have to understand, listen to others when you want to change. Be your own leader" and at the same time being an admirer of Good Old Ronny in his domestic policies. Gimme a break, brother ! Who's buying these one liners from your mouth ?

... and if you have not noticed my political stances, maybe you should open up your eyes and stop contradicting yourself.

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In the hope of being able to understand each other a bit, I will comment on each thought of your "only partially cut and paste post".

You say...
Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected by people who hold the same political views that you hold. You stated that you don't like Mr.S.
At the same time you share one big idol : Ronald Reagan.

I respond...
As a matter of fact I detest Mr. S. I have your word ( which I don't trust in the least ) that he Idolizes Reagan. I didn't like Reagan. He was a good president though. See the difference there? So your assumption about Schwarzenegger and I having that is common is bogus.

You say...
I've asked you in another thread : How is it possible that such a mighty and rich country is not able to solve that big problem called Poverty.

I responded there and will repeat here...
The poorest amongst us come out quite well compared to the poor of europe.

You ask...
How is it possible that the US are not able to solve the problem of the growing gap between rich and poor in their own country ?

I respond...
There is a gap between rich and poor everywhere. We are no different. It seems to be what uniquely defines all humans.

You ask...
Maybe the choice of politicians has to do with this ?

My answer...

You ask...
Of course you want to solve these problems, but what are you willing to give up for that ? Nothing ! Nothing at all ! Not a Penny !

I answer...
What problems? World poverty? The difference in earning power between a PHD Chemist and a grade school drop out? I am willing to do my share to help others become educated. I pay property tax to make sure ALL OF MY FELLOW CITIZENS are given OPPORTUNITY. As a side note... I will wager that the tax money I send to the third world outweighs the tax money YOU send to the third world. Any bets?

You say...
It is very hard for me to take your words seriously.

I respond...
Really? Gee. Never noticed.😲

Then you revert to the old "cut and paste" hoping it means something. In this context, it doesn't. Sorry about your lack of cut and paste acumen. Keep trying though. It might make sense someday.

"We have to share. We have to understand, listen to others when you want to change. Be your own leader"

Then you say...
and at the same time being an admirer of Good Old Ronny in his domestic policies.

I reply...
What is a "Good Old Ronny"? I can't for the life of me remember a single domestic policy that Reagan had. I don't think he had any. If he did, you would know. I paid no heed to them.

You say...
Gimme a break, brother !

I reply...
That would be pleasant. I would vote for the "Neck" as the chosen location for the break.

You ask...
Who's buying these one liners from your mouth ?

I reply...
Who gives a crap. They are just my honest opinion. They mean absolutely nothing to anyone except me. And even then, they change on a regular basis.

You say -
... and if you have not noticed my political stances, maybe you should open up your eyes and stop contradicting yourself.

I say...
This is a good chance. What are your political leanings, Ivan? You have not stated them a single time. You have made fun of various others beliefs, but never stated a single declaration of affiliation. I would love to know. Feel free to state them here. Thanks. But no riddles please... Just say "I am a " whatever and explain what that means.

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Just for starters:

It is the duty of a civilised government to solve the problem of poverty in their own country.
It is the duty of a civilised citizen to vote for politicians who want to solve the problem of poverty.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Just for starters:

It is the duty of a civilised government to solve the problem of poverty in their own country.
It is the duty of a civilised citizen to vote for politicians who want to solve the problem of poverty.

Every politician purports during campiagns to 'want to solve the problem of poverty'. No-one since Jesus has run on a 'noble to be poor' ticket.

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I just saw Mr.S on CNN. He even immitates Ronald Reagan when he's making a speech, his gestures, his timing, his facial expression. Ronny is alive and well ! He's the first governator !

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Just for starters:

It is the duty of a civilised government to solve the problem of poverty in their own country.
It is the duty of a civilised citizen to vote for politicians who want to solve the problem of poverty.

How can a government solve the problem of poverty? Doesn't "wealth" overcome poverty? What does a government have to do with "wealth"? I know what I believe, but what do you believe on this matter Ivan? Please explain what you would have "government" do to generate wealth. Or would you only have government "redistribute" wealth? And be satisfied with relatively "small" overall wealth?

Who to vote for then, and why? What makes one greedy, vain, ambitious huckster more acceptable than the next? I know what I believe, but lets here your thoughts. Specifically, does the idea that Mitterand employed Regis Debray the grand theoretician of Third World Guerrilla war, and Che Gueverra's comrade in arms, as his (Mitterands) chief foreign affairs advisor make Mitterand a great social crusader? If so, why? What wealth did that generate?

You stated the obvious again. Now tell us How and Who.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
[b]How can a government solve the problem of poverty?

Do you agree with me on those two statements ?

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Do you agree with me on those two statements ?

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Reducing the poverty in a country can be reached with adequate economic policies. For instance the tax instrument is a very important means to reach this end. A proper and decent health insurance for all is such a means. Make sure that everybody has got a decent home to live in.To implement these policies you need the correct political attitude, I do not mean the politically correct attitude, and you need the political will to do so.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Reducing the poverty in a country can be reached with adequate economic policies. For instance the tax instrument is a very important means to reach this end. A proper and decent health insurance for all is such a means. Make sure that everybody has got a decent home to live in.To implement these policies you need the correct political attitude, I do not mean the politically correct attitude, and you need the political will to do so.
You are just stating the obvious. Explain how all this is to be done. We know why. Because people are not animals. But how do we pay for it? Who pays the money. What is a "Tax Instrument"? Does this thingy-ma-bob leave anything attached to the body when applied to the proper regions? Who gets sheared by the magical instrument and who is left to increase wealth? Knowing that business can't grow and hire without profits?

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