I love a rodeo. I used to work as a ranch hand. It is hard tough work. Rodeo animals are well treated, they are athletes as well. I am well versed in the cattle business, From raising to eating. Rodeo animals are ther most pampered professionals around. You want "cruel" visit a kill floor. And to me that isn't even cruel.
So don't piss me off, I know Bruce Lee and stuff too. 😕
Originally posted by mlpriorUhmm, that's not entirely true dear girl, They do have gay rodeos. I'll bet if you Googled it you would get a few hits.
You are ridiculous..yes yes ridiculous to the very core you are dear pawnfondler!
There is not one animal hurt in a rodeo! And there is not one gay cowboy!
Now off to bed I must go for some sweet dreams...we will have to continue our argument another day.