Mikey doesn't really care much about things "x rated".
He likes watching NFL Games on the wristwatch television Gertie gave him on his 7th birthday last December. Guy also enjoys gumming tube steaks. Yeah, loads 'em with sweet mustard and sauerkraut (without a bun or roll), then dances around the house with his bedroom juke box playing loud and his tight pink & brown jockey style underware on.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyLets hope he can keep His tight pink inside his brown jockey style underwear 😕
Mikey doesn't really care much about things "x rated".
He likes watching NFL Games on the wristwatch television Gertie gave him on his 7th birthday last December. Guy also enjoys gumming tube steaks. Yeah, loads 'em with sweet mustard and sauerkraut (without a bun or roll), then dances around the house with his bedroom juke box playing loud and his tight pink & brown jockey style underware on.
Originally posted by kevcvs57Don't underestimate the kid. He's a whiz at remembering the future and prediciting the past. Three of his favorite lines from his stand up comedy show at the local mission and soup kitchen, "The Loaves & Fishes", on Thursday nights are x) 'When you're not hot, somebody else probably is.; y) When you're on top of your game don't fall off; and z) If you can't be Mikey or Frank, at least be earnest.'
Lets hope he can keep His tight pink inside his brown jockey style underwear 😕