I totally agree...if everyone knows he is cheating...then don't play
him. Why waste the time to keep talking about it? All everyone is
accomplishing is keeping him the center of attention..which is probably
what he wants.
Ignore him...forget about him...and soon he will even have to admit
that whoever is #2...is really #1.
(Who notes...never reading a "xenophobe" post again)
I have to agree on the homosexuality, i think this guy ruins chess
itself!!! I have been playing for a couple years now, i have only been
here a couple days, but i seen him cheat his way to 120-0. Then his
rating was reset, Thank YOU!!!! Who ever did that!
I challenged Xenophobe, he made me delete the games, then he
comes back on as mathew, and challenges me to 4 games, looks like
someones afraid to have thier rating drop! I can not wait until
someone catches that guy!!!!!
I agree that this guy should be booted off. It is 21.15 (GMT) on 17
Feb and this is his stats:
xenaphobe Joined 15 February 2002
Games Played Games Rated Won Lost Drawn Moves In Progress Rating
120 120 120 0 0 252 12 1200
I also think that the names alexalex and PS Lame should be
removed, since he is using them as aliases. The games, all played at
the same time follow the same move pattern - mate inside two
moves???? Even for somebody with my limited chess knowledge that
is a bit obvious.
Hmmmm... Didn't realize there was so much politicing here.
I'm here to play chess and I personally don't care who has several
nicks or is cheating. Cheaters never really win anyway - they only
think they do. They cheat themselves far more than others - a
concept they fail to grasp, which is why they continue their poor
behavior. They really don't deserve anyone's attention here.
I say let the arguments be settled on the chess board. My rating will
be what it based on my chess understanding and regardless of what
others do here to cheat.
I feel sorry for the person who must cheat to acquire an inflated rating
just to feel better about himself. I say if he needs to feel good that
bad, let him! As he matures perhaps he will learn that honest gaines
are the only ones that provide the personal satisfaction and make
one worthy of honor in the eyes of one's peers.