Originally posted by PalynkaGotta get this in first.
You're right. It would be a shame if pre-frontal lobotomies became fashionable.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
But, I won't be buying. The last one was over-long and I expect this one to be even longer. I'll read it if I can borrow it. For me, the best kid's fantasy is still the Narnia series by CS Lewis.
EDIT: Bugger. Wasn't first.
Originally posted by catfoodtimThat's what happens when unfinished versions come out before their time. Now Britain is a-head of the rest of the world of fashion. Unfair.
i concur.
think of the hoardes of school children sporting shaven heads and blank stares.
what a terrifying thought.
actually, have you ever been to england? erm. oh.