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You English people

You English people


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here's some info ...
England's population is only 56.2 million, London's is 9.2 million. The average age of people in England is 37. Males average lifetime is 77 years, while women's is 81 years. White's make up 85 % of the population...the most used language after English is Polish !! Christian faith is 60 % of the religious people. This is from July, 2021 study...your highest Pike is only 3200 feet...which is way short..

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“ according to the 2011 Census, the total population of England and Wales was 56.1 million, and 86.0% of the population was White”

A lot has changed in 10 years.


@ogb said
here's some info ...
England's population is only 56.2 million, London's is 9.2 million. The average age of people in England is 37. Males average lifetime is 77 years, while women's is 81 years. White's make up 85 % of the population...the most used language after English is Polish !! Christian faith is 60 % of the religious people. This is from July, 2021 study...your highest Pike is only 3200 feet...which is way short..
It's a relatively small land mass, we shouldn't try to fit too many more people on, and historically we've punched above our weight in world affairs, per square mile of country/head of population. Less so more recently. London dominates, it's true, it's the seat of Parliament, centre of national commerce and the Queen lives there, or at least has her primary residence there, although I've heard that she doesn't particularly like Buckingham Palace. (Well, who would?)
37 seems like a reasonable average age, which I expect will come down as the 'aging population' ages off, and women live a bit longer than men because they're more sensible.
85% white doesn't seem to give the racists amongst us anything to bleat about, we enjoy a rich, diverse and various culture, mostly without tension. The Poles are good builders, apparently, and will work for less.
I'm surprised at the low turnout of Christians as a percentage, I mean nobody much believes in (the Christian) god anymore, but still, I'm surprised, and once again it's an indication of religious tolerance, which is of absolute and essential importance for a peaceful world.
Pikes/peaks, well, we don't really do mountains.
The only criticism I have of your post is that it doesn't mention cricket, we can't have a thread about England without mentioning cricket. Some people attribute 'Brexit' to political, racial or financial factors, I personally believe it has much more to do with the fact that the rest of the EU countries are lousy cricket players, although I'm sure not everybody will agree with this hypothesis.



We don’t need another Brexit thread.



Just for the record, I never thought that your pro - Brexit stance had anything to do with racism. And I'll raise a glass to multinationalism and diversity of culture, which is at least in part I think a result of our colonial days, which has had some weirdly positive long - term effects.
A microcosmic example of this is that I have a very good Indian friend who is also an avid cricket fan, and she agrees with me that Indians and Brits have some kind of built - in affection for one another, and in India/England test matches neither of us really cares who wins, as long as the cricket's good.



Dive ya big ole racist 😂



Just checking in....


400 metre hurdles


Horrible food, long faces, big noses, floppy ears.
Don't get me going


@gambrel said
Horrible food, long faces, big noses, floppy ears.
Don't get me going
This thread is about English not Elefants...

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