Originally posted by bobflemingesqI thought the same thing. QUOTE: "I really don't like the idea of playing games of chess over a period of days or weeks. I am here for the forums and to talk chess." Before you know it, I've subscribed and am now a prisoner of addiction.
The reason I don't like the site is because I want to play live chess - not chess that could take weeks! I have done as you suggested and changed my e-mail address - thanks for the tip.
I was really never good at twitch chess (too much lag in the connection). I came to the conclusion that it really wasn't chess, you just complicate the position so your opponent can't make an instant calculation and you win on time... play losing moves so the opponent has to think about how to punish you for them and win the game... you win on time... Doesn't seem to better one's chess in my opinion. RHP let's you appreciate the position and allows you to become better because of this.
Just my opinion. It works for me, but your mileage my vary.