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1. D4... ?

1. D4... ?

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Offen wondered why in the Albin Counter Gambit.

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5

[fen]rnbqkbnr/ppp2ppp/8/3pp3/2PP4/8/PP2PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq e6 0 3[/fen]

White can play 3.e3 and steer the game into a French colours reversed a tempo up.

[fen]rnbqkbnr/ppp2ppp/8/3pp3/2PP4/4P3/PP3PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 3[/fen]
hi pawn dude, Gm Boris Alterman, in his gambit guide series , states that e3 is not to be recommended. why?

after 3...exd4 4.exd4 the d pawn shall become isolated on an open board

if after 1.d4 d5, 2.c4 e5, 3.e3 exd4 4.cxd5 Bb4+ and already white is in trouble

5.Bb2? dxe3 and the bishop cannot be touched

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! king has lost castling rights,
blacks queens bishop shall come into game very fast, all his opening
problems are solved, happy days.


Hi Robbie.

The second line is just selective analysis no reasonable White
player would go near that.

However the first statement about an isololated pawn.

"GM Boris Alterman, in his gambit guide series , states that e3 is not
to be recommended. why?

after 3...exd4 the d pawn shall become isolated on an open board.

So you no doubt expected the retort:

"If you fear having an isolated pawn then give up Chess." Tarrasch.

so after 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. e3 exd4 4. exd4 dxc4 5. Bxc4 we get.

and so we look at the mainline Albin position White is being offered.

1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 d4

I'd take the IQP game, I can cook things up with that.

I prefer Black in the 2nd postion. I can cook things up with.

You can stuff the pawn up and lag in development White postion.

Know yourself and play the position YOU want to play.
(and if possible the position your opponent did not want to play)

And don't trust what any GM (or indeed a Greenpawn) say's in some throw
away sentence.

Look at the board, ignore other players (GM's included) sweeping assertions.
It is what You want to play?

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi Robbie.

The second line is just selective analysis no reasonable White
player would go near that.

However the first statement about an isololated pawn.

"GM Boris Alterman, in his gambit guide series , states that e3 is not
to be recommended. why?

after 3...exd4 the d pawn shall become isolated on an open board.

So you no doubt expe ...[text shortened]... e other players (GM's included) sweeping assertions.
It is what [b]You
want to play?[/b]
What a great post. I haven't figured out how the "recommended" function works, but this one should be.


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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi Robbie.

The second line is just selective analysis no reasonable White
player would go near that.

However the first statement about an isololated pawn.

"GM Boris Alterman, in his gambit guide series , states that e3 is not
to be recommended. why?

after 3...exd4 the d pawn shall become isolated on an open board.

So you no doubt expe e other players (GM's included) sweeping assertions.
It is what [b]You
want to play?[/b]
aha, my learned and illustrious friend, but we are not finished yet! we have not spoke
about 3...Nc6 preventing your cunning plan! for example, 1.d4 d5, 2.c4 e5, 3.e3!? Nc6,
4.dxe5 dxc4, reaching this position,

what shall you do? shall you take the pawn? 5.Bxc4, or shall you be forced to exchange queens with 5.Qxd8,

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"Recommend" is at the bottom of each post, but it may be a subscriber only feature. so I'll do it for you. Yeah, gp puts up some good notes and worthwhile reading.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
aha, my learned and illustrious friend, but we are not finished yet! we have not spoke
about 3...Nc6 preventing your cunning plan! for example, 1.d4 d5, 2.c4 e5, 3.e3!? Nc6,
4.dxe5 dxc4, reaching this position,

[fen]r1bqkbnr/ppp2ppp/2n5/4P3/2p5/4P3/PP3PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 5[/fen]

what shall you do? shall you take the pawn? 5.Bxc4, or shall you be forced to exchange queens with 5.Qxd8,
In this position, as white I would trade queens in a heartbeat, take the c4 pawn on the next move (I love getting material as I develop), and bag the extra tempo and/or material based on the attack on f7, which black can only cover awkwardly. There's a game to play, but I'd be comfortable as white.

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Whoa Robbie,

You are taking back moves.

we were talking about:

"Gm Boris Alterman, in his gambit guide series , states that e3 is not to be recommended. why?

after 3...exd4 4.exd4 the d pawn shall become isolated on an open board."

full stop

The GM that you quoted has stated the IQP on a open board is the reason
why we should all avoid this line.

Let us see this position again. I like it.

And so indeed does Topalov. Oh yes he has taken this postion as well.

Infact MY DB tells this postion has been reached over 700 times with
White winning 65% of the games including a load of under 20 movers.

(I hate quoting the % things but here it is rather alarming).

I aslo hate putting my sneb into these opening forums because it's like
battering your head off a brick wall.

So we recap:
The GM in this case is not wrong, he's a GM for christ sake, but he is misleading.

That one statement;

"the d pawn shall become isolated on an open board....."

Can get picked up by weaker players, swallowed and digested.

It will take years to get 'the IQP is a lost position turd' out of their system.

The object of the opening is to get your bits out heading towards a playable
middle game that YOU want to play and if you can cross your opponents opening
idea at the same time then do it.

If per chance your opponent starts to fanny about in the opening. Whack him.

You don't need opening books full of crap you will never ever play.

Games collections with good notes is where it is at.

Yet never a day passes without:

"What's the best thing against this...."

"Hey anybody know any off beat openings...."

"What is best 1.e4 or 1.d4......"

getting posted in MY chess forum.

Yes, I have decided I am taking over the Chess Forum.

You can swear, crack PC incorrect jokes, call who want a cheat.

But if I see one opening thread then it's a two week ban for the
poster and a 3 week ban for anybody answering it.

The Greenpawn has spoken.

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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
In this position, as white I would trade queens in a heartbeat, take the c4 pawn on the next move (I love getting material as I develop), and bag the extra tempo and/or material based on the attack on f7, which black can only cover awkwardly. There's a game to play, but I'd be comfortable as white.
taking the queen is harmless for black, look at the position, white is unlikely to castle queen side, where black is in practically no danger of being mated, attacks on f7 are now redundant, black has a queen side pawn majority, white has two doubled pawns on an open file, black shall storm whites position with his king side pawns, while what must white do, attack f7? i would take black any day! the queen gambit (although its not really a gambit) is practically busted!

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Whoa Robbie,

You are taking back moves.

we were talking about:

"Gm Boris Alterman, in his gambit guide series , states that e3 is not to be recommended. why?

after 3...exd4 4.exd4 the d pawn shall become isolated on an open board."

[b]full stop

The GM that you quoted has stated the IQP on a open board is the reason
why we should ...[text shortened]...
poster and a 3 week ban for anybody answering it.

The Greenpawn has spoken.[/b]
yes green one but i only delivered the grandmaster notes partially, for he also includes the 3.. Nc6 move in his notes and states that it is another reason why e3 is not to be recommended, for what ever white shall do, his strong centre is going down the swanny without a paddle, now what queen gambit player wants that to happen? he is more comfortable seeking positional advantages with pressure through the centre, or slow manoeuvring games against the Slav, and here he is, on a roller coaster! i as a true gambiteer love it when i see the move 2..c4, and to date i think i have played four games with this against my contemporaries, winning three and losing one, Albin rules!

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Oh Robbie we are we to do with you.

"yes green one but I only delivered the grandmaster notes partially...."


How are we meant know you mean when all you give us is partial information.

You forget that Russ banned ESP.

It's like me coming on here and saying that a Knight on c4 is....

As for the rest of your post I did not read as I cannot understand your acsent. 😉

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Oh Robbie we are we to do with you.

"yes green one but I only delivered the grandmaster notes partially...."


How are we meant know you mean when all you give us is partial information.

You forget that Russ banned ESP.

It's like me coming on here and saying that a Knight on c4 is....

As for the rest of your post I did not read as I cannot understand your acsent. 😉
i know, it was not fair! Actually i have friends from portabello coming this weekend. i hope i can understand them. Every time they come hear they learn new words and phrases!

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