Originally posted by LanndonKaneUmmm... it seems like a very interesting idea, except that the moves make no sense of course. At least it makes no sense to me. May I suggest that you don't go too far. Perhaps better to ask for help in chess notation first. Then, once you know how to record your moves, and other people can understand you, then you can start with the next step?
followed by 1...Ki3, 2.Qc8!
Wins everytime, but i was just wondering what this opening is called, i couldnt find the eco code.
Originally posted by ckoh1965Check his move number and rating. He has to know. I thought this thread was hilarious until I realised that he was pulling the mick.
Ummm... it seems like a very interesting idea, except that the moves make no sense of course. At least it makes no sense to me. May I suggest that you don't go too far. Perhaps better to ask for help in chess notation first. Then, once you know how to record your moves, and other people can understand you, then you can start with the next step?
Laughed my rear off for nothing... ðŸ˜
I have been trying to puzzle together what you said and I think I know what you meant.. Something like this?
A very good opening. Few people know about it. It's one of the guarded secrets of chess.
The problem is: On grandmaster level, play usually continues 2.. Kxf7! and black normally reaches equality as soon as his king gets to the i-file.
Originally posted by LanndonKaneWell, I don't intend to insult, just poke fun... You might also be warranted to correct your original post... I mean, its only common courtsey... or did you mean for it to be incomprehensible babble? in that case, maybe there should be a disclaimer.
Ok guys, shut up now, it was funny at first and you've taken it too seriously and ruined it.
For shame.
Originally posted by GolubWow, amazing setup. White can never lose in this particular game... because black has no white king to mate!
I have been trying to puzzle together what you said and I think I know what you meant.. Something like this?
[fen]rnbpkbnr/ppqppPpp/8/N7/8/5P2/PP1PP1PP/R1BQ1BNR w kq - 0 1[/fen]
A very good opening. Few people know about it. It's one of the guarded secrets of chess.
The problem is: On grandmaster level, play usually continues 2.. Kxf7! and black normally reaches equality as soon as his king gets to the i-file.