Originally posted by cmsMasterI think he means if he thinks his opponent is going to play the Dragon.
Dragon is from the black side.
I find the lines involving c3 quite hard, provided that white starts with 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 and then either 3. c3 or 3. Bb5+ planning 4 or 5. c3. I don't think with an immediate c3 black has that much to fear, but after d6 has been played the d5 lines are more or less ruled out as a consequence of which white's plan of aiming for a Ruy like position is possible again.
Originally posted by rubberjaw30Its worth of learning if you dont like to study all the Sicilian jungle. I have used this system in OTB more than 7 years with good results.
another anti-Sicilian thread
a friend of mine rated 1400 USCF played this a lot against me in the past with success...
so, what do you guys think?
is it worth learning as another way to avoid open-sicilian games?
Also black need to know what to do against 2.c3 - this system isnt so harmless as its reputation.
Originally posted by rubberjaw302.c3 is a well known move, here is nice Svesnikov's win over ... Tal
another anti-Sicilian thread
a friend of mine rated 1400 USCF played this a lot against me in the past with success...
so, what do you guys think?
is it worth learning as another way to avoid open-sicilian games?
Btw chessgames databases:
Number of games in database: 6461
Years covered: 1842 to 2007
Overall record:
White wins 30.8%
Black wins 32.7%
Draws 36.5%
Originally posted by Korchone question about this line:
Its worth of learning if you dont like to study all the Sicilian jungle. I have used this system in OTB more than 7 years with good results.
Also black need to know what to do against 2.c3 - this system isnt so harmless as its reputation.
1. e4 c5
2. c3 Nf6
3. e5 Nd5
4. d4 cxd4
5. cxd4 d6
how does white get the black knight out of the center?
an immediate Nc3 just leaves me with doubled, isolated pawns (eggh)
would i fianchetto my light squared bishop and make an exchange?
or should the knight not concern me immediately?
Originally posted by Ason Pigg2lol
yes c3 is aggressive i agree...however it means white will castle king side which makes the game boring.
there are so many openings where white castles kingside it isn't even funny
Ruy Lopez
any one who thinks Ruy Lopez games can't be exciting doesn't know the opening too well...