Hi Robbie.
Based on that one vid you linked I have to disagree about him being a good teacher.
He whispers in the same monotone, mouse pointer going all over the place.
At one time there were two mouse pointers on the screen.
Then he left the mouse alone and the viewer had to try and figure out what
was going on with this big white arrow right in the middle of the board.
He whispered on for a minute about the Chigorin defence telling you how
good it was (or how good it used to be) without showing a single diagram to
indicate what on earth he was talking about.
He is assuming everyone knows the opening moves of the Chigorin Defence.
Is that good teaching?
Chigorin (or Tchigorin) - Winawer, Warsaw 1882
The position in question came from an Evans Gambit.
“Imagine the Queen does not protect f3” then he suggests putting it on b3.
That was reason enough for a re-edit. It’s this could not care less, chess players
will put up with any old crap attitude that I’m fighting against.
I will not encourage nor condone this kind of slap dash dollop.
It’s a famous position found in many White/Black to play and win books.
I’d would have been more impressed if he showed me something I had not
seen instead of falling back on a well known game.
Teacher/Coaches/Amateurs…..all use the same examples.
(I bet Karpov - Spassky Leningrad 1974 is on his list of whispering goodies).
But let is look at what this teacher did not show.
He started here.
Saying White now played Rg1 find Black’s move.
Instead of getting to the critical and much copied position how about showing
us this line which Winawer, in hindsight, should have played.
The whispering teacher made such a big deal of pointing out the doubled f-pawns.
Good point .
He could have showed us how the pawns became doubled.
And the very instructive play leading up to the position but as it is not mentioned in
the book of classic positions from which he is reading from he skips that bit.
Let’s have a look at what lead to the critical position.
Hi Art.
I've replied in bold to make it clear it is me. I'm not shouting at you. 🙂
a) Your very first sentence ends with "4.25 dreary minutes."
b) GP: "You were about as enthusiastic as a soap dish"
Have you heard yourself you sounded like you were reading the sermon at a funeral.
Cheer up, sound like you are enjoying it.
c) GP "I've seen loads of these U-Tube vids. 99% of them are naff.
They are ill prepared, reek of amateurism and presented in a could not
care less, like it or lump it fashion"
it's not just you. It's the lot of them, see above. I'm on a crusade.
---------------------------Part II-----------------
I don't understand your remark about not giving black any advice on how he
should cope with an attack on f7.
I clearly give a line on how to defend against the attack starting from 03:05 "
You did show a defence but as I pointed out you were producing the Scholars Mate
from the Bishop's Opening when 2...Nf6 stops everything. 2.Qh5 is the Scholars Attack.
But you did show a defence to the Bc4 Qh5 line so I stand corrected.
I was thinking of a defence to 2.Qh5 sorry about the mix up.
4) You don't seem to be very consequent in your feedback...
You went on and on and on for a full minute waving a mouse pointer about
saying what you were going to do etc...etc...etc....
Flash a square, make a move...do something.
That I'm afraid to say is why it got the Curates Egg treatment.
"You flame me for calling an imaginary opponent a retard, however it is
perfectly fine to compare me with a soap-dish."
"Lets start with some free (and even not asked for) advice from my side. "
I don't flame..... I debate.
You might recall posting in a thread titled "Your opinion"
Hello RHP community,
1) Providing chessmaterial that players <2000 would like to see.
Game 901114 is just one of the 8 examples of I have on RHP
of a player making the 'retard move' a6.
You call them retards, I call you a soapdish.
Those that know me know you cannot insult weaker players within my earshot
by calling them patzers, rabbits or....retards which I find offensive.
I'll yank their chain about the moves they make in game and that goes
for every player of every strength GM's included.
Infact the stronger they are the more serious the leg pull.
Patzer, rabbit. etc are terms I dislike.
And if I see a thread titled 'Your opinion' I think I can give an opinion.
You explained to Robbie that your intention is to help me with improving my videos.
I am what I am. If I think something is naff (and it is my opinion) I say so.
I don't do pats on the head and better luck next time.
Kids lecture went great. Thanks for asking.
All the parents congratulated me. (that is all I ask, no fee).
They had not quite seen anything like it before.
A few pictures were taken, if they come out they will be blogged.
That is another 12 people (the kids) who will hate me forever.
I could tell by their wee smiling faces I had put the hook in deep.
50 years from now they will still be playing chess and thinking back on all
those wasted weekends and blame me.
Here is another of my vids. (my very first one.)
Right I'm off to look at you v Timman.
Ha 🙂
From Robbie's post.
"At one time there were two mouse pointers on the screen.
Then he left the mouse alone and the viewer had to try and figure out what
was going on with this big white arrow right in the middle of the board. "
I've just started watching Art's game v Timman and the giant mouse pointer
was back again.
I've just realised...It's my mouse pointer!!!! What a wazock....what a complete wazock. 🙂
Brilliant. I love being me.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Majnu is the best, there was no point in showing the entirety of the game nor in what
Hi Robbie.
Based on that one vid you linked I have to disagree about him being a good teacher.
He whispers in the same monotone, mouse pointer going all over the place.
At one time there were two mouse pointers on the screen.
Then he left the mouse alone and the viewer had to try and figure out what
was going on with this big white arrow right ...[text shortened]... Qxf3 Re1+ 29. Rg1 Rxg1+ 30. Kxg1 Rxf3 {That was all forced. Black resigned on move 28.}[/pgn]
might have happened, the whole idea of the exercise was to instil in the student that an
active defence is to be preferred to passive, which he did admirably.
Hi Robbie.
An sctive defence...NO. One move is not an active defence.
It was Chigorin's ONLY move. (well he had Qe5 - and Black wins back the pawn).
A tarted up deflecting sacrifice nothing more.
Hi Art.
That one was better. There is a long gap with no talking in the middle
and that threat marker surfaces again. Get rid of that thing and keep it flowing.
But the correct use of features, arrows and highlighted squares.
No mouse waving waffle.
And you changed your voice tone.
So it does appear if you have played the game you are putting more
of you into it than when you are just doing opening analysis or going through
a game you did not take part in.
You have to get in and live the game.
Good game, Smashing effort.
I like Timman's 12.Kh1
It's a lovely waiting move. I think he is waiting for you to play 12...cxd4
when after cxd4 and the coming Bd2 the Black Queen starts to look a
bit short of squares. Maybe...maybe not. Good move.
You played 25...R8c2 a smashing try and on another day it may have worked.
I know me. That mating pattern.
Leaps out. I would have become fixated and gone for 25...e4.
Which is about as subtle as a brick.
If 26.gxh5 Rbc2 wins. Of cource White can just plonk a Rook on c1
and I up in worse mess than you.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Dude, I played both games. 🙂
So it does appear if you have played the game you are putting more
of you into it than when you are just doing opening analysis or going through
a game you did not take part in.
I don't really have the time now, so I'll watch your vid and respond to some of your post later, but I really had to get this one in.
Originally posted by greenpawn34It was Chigorin's ONLY move?? well he had Qe5, yes GP he had ...Qe5, a passive
Hi Robbie.
An sctive defence...NO. One move is not an active defence.
It was Chigorin's ONLY move. (well he had Qe5 - and Black wins back the pawn).
A tarted up deflecting sacrifice nothing more.
Hi Art.
That one was better. There is a long gap with no talking in the middle
and that threat marker surfaces again. Get rid of that thing and kee ...[text shortened]... gxh5 Rbc2 wins. Of cource White can just plonk a Rook on c1
and I up in worse mess than you.
Hi Art
I know you played the mouse waving 1...g6 game.
I saw the first move and sat there wasting one whole minute watching
a mouse pointer going over a chessboard.
I was referring to your analysis of Scholars Mate where you sounded uninterested.
Hi Robbie
If you don't recognise a one shot fluke by now then you never will.
If Chigorin had seen it earlier he would not have allowed Winawer the Qxg7+
shot that teacher never mentioned.
The 'if it don't fit the theory, then don't allow it near the theory' School.
A bit like religious teaching....I'm beginning to see why you like this guy.
Did you look at the full game? - I doubt it.
Like everything else, If it might mean Robbie was mistaken then ignore it.
I don't know why you bother studying or looking at vids. You know everything already.
Chigorin played 21...Qh5 and Winanwer had the shot 22.Qxg7+ and 23.Nf6+
21...Qf4! and the 22. Qxg7+ trick does not work and if 22.Rg1 Bd5 as in the game.
S.Hayes - G.Chandler Edinburgh League 2004
If you don't recognise a one shot fluke by now then you never will.
If Chigorin had seen it earlier he would not have allowed Winawer the Qxg7+
shot that teacher never mentioned.
Ahhh Gp this is all good and well, but its missing the point, the point is that an active
defence is to be preferred to a passive one, you cannot take fragments of games out of
context like this and then say the teacher is naff because he does not mention what
might have happened, our point of interest is the fragment of the game as it appears,
not whether i can recognise a one shot fluke or not, or what might or should have have
I dont know anything GP other than despite all the things i have studied i still make stupid moves.
Hi Robbie.
The moment Chigorin played Bd4 he was on the attack not defending.
I think it's a poor example. Active defending is defending with counter threats
not clockwork forced win combinations.
There is a lot to be learned from the build up play leading to a combo.
Rather than just grabbing the position and stamping it under a label.
(in this case a deflecting sacrifice which had to be taken.)
If you look at the whole game you will see the move I hinted at. 18 Rxf3!
Gives Black a tremendous attack.
Chigorin did not take up the game seriously till he was over 20 and played
some brilliant and inspired games. But he did have his off days.
He slipped in a few slack moves in this game and 18.Rxf3 looks like a real
missed chance.
It does look an OTB piece of luck, as in my game v Hayes.
I never planned it or saw it till it appeared.
I've looked at 3 other Majnu vids.
He's not bad actually, quite good.
Trust you to give a duff link. 🙂
I wonder why he whispers. Maybe does them late at night when the rest of
his family sleeps.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Hello again Pawn which is green,
Hi Art
I know you played the mouse waving 1...g6 game.
I saw the first move and sat there wasting one whole minute watching
a mouse pointer going over a chessboard.
I was referring to your analysis of Scholars Mate where you sounded uninterested.
Hi Robbie
If you don't recognise a one shot fluke by now then you never will.
Three totally different things:
1) About the quality and "tone of voice" of your feedback
They are at set times a thorn in my eye.
If you want to, I could help you with that. Just say so.
(Oh and you won't have to lose your, wit or humor if that is something you are concerned with).
2) Your video
Is really not educational but offcourse you allready know that. 🙂
It is drenched with humor, and if you have fun making those vids you should keep it up.
3)The juniors
What age are they if I might ask?
Are the parents chessplayers themselves or did they mostly congratualate you on the originality of your presentation?
I can truly relate to that.
I've given chess lessons at schools a couple of years ago. Beginners at the age of 10. I loved it.
Especially the enjoyment and appreciation from the children themselves (in fact I still have drawings they made for me).
At every school I ended the final 2 lessons with a test (for which they would receive a certificate, and I made sure 100% would pass) and the last one
with a simul. If they played well enough they would get an iceream 😉
I tried changing my avatar to a soapdish, but since I am not a subscriber, I can't :'(
Hi Art.
I'm fine with my feedback tone on all matters.
I walk out of films I dont like screaming it's crap.
I rip up naff chess books. BCO's etc.
If a shop is selling something I think is too expensive I tell them.
I tell it how I see it.
Of course it rubs people up the wrong way.
A while back a bus driver was spending ages telling a tourist she was on the
wrong bus and giving her directions
After a few minutes I went up and reminded him that he was bus driver
and not a tourist guide. That produced a smashing argument which ended with
me getting asked to leave the bus. (I think it was my remark about him trying
to get inside her knickers that did it.)
Like my chess I love a good confrontation. (see the profile....)
Lecture was good.
I was showing them the Batman figure from a chess set.
AT the end of the lecture is was first prize in a quiz.
My famous you aint seen it before so you will never find it problem.
Now place two Rooks and a Knight, nothing more, so that Black is checkmated.
Thread 132654
This was set at the end of the lecture and it took them 15 minutes before
one kid stumbled on it.
As they are struggling to get it you tell them the reason why they are finding
so hard is because they have never seen it before.
A few (2000+) players were in the room and they did not get it.
One of the kids got it first.
Back to the lecture....
Having set the super-hero theme I then hid behind a curtain and popped
out dressed as 'Where's Wally' wearing a mask.
"I'm Chess Book Man!" (see the next blog.)
A sea of wide eyes and open mouths....They won't forget me in a hurry.
The parents were a mixture of players and non-players.
One parent knew who is credited with playing the first ever doouble Bishop sac.
Lasker.....actually it was De Vere but I wanted someone to say Lasker because
I had a big piece of paper with LASKER writtin on it in my back pocket.....
( I always go into these things armed up with gimmicks. Chess is fun.)
I was talking about how good players know the famous games and their ideas.
The two over 2000 players in the audience were struggling. (I was depending
on at least one of them knowing.....I'm worried about them two....too much
opening book and database crap.) A parent helped me pull off that stunt for effect.
I then showed them a picture of this random guy and asked them who it was.
None of them knew. So that leads onto how useless the brain is when it has
no information to go on. etc..etc...so onto pattern recognition and ideas from
famous games and not so famous games.
Throw out this true statement.
"I have played 1,000 of combinations. Everyone I have got from another
game, book or puzzle. I have never played an original combination in my life."
And now they are interested.
So I asked one of the kids to show me a checkmate with.
I took Black and with a bit of word play got the kid to mate me thus.
"It's easy.".... "of course it is, you have seen it before."
Then showed them two opening traps, tactical trick a short game from RHP!
and then showed a complete game I played that used all these ideas ending
in this checkmate.
Originally posted by greenpawn34I know you are perfectly fine with your feedback.
Hi Art.
I'm fine with my feedback tone on all matters.
I walk out of films I dont like screaming it's crap.
I rip up naff chess books. BCO's etc.
If a shop is selling something I think is too expensive I tell them.
I tell it how I see it.
I just thought that you would not like some of the consequenses. Such as not getting your point across, or more practical things like lets say a busdriver who does not want you on his bus. :s
That you have arguments with a well-intending busdriver does not strike me as odd. I probably would have told you that I am a human first even during my job. But I'm sure you would have a quick response for that.
Offcourse your "No" is fine to me.
I'll let you bark, but every now and then when I think your barking is to loud or lasts to long, I could give you a small bite.
But I'm sure you can handle that.
I found your little puzzle. Took me about 2 minutes
The mistake I made was that first, I thought I was on to you and that one of the pieces should be black.
When I realised this does not help, I tried a few other positions. Then I started reasoning (not calculating) then it just took me about 5-10 seconds I guess.
Nice example.
I will read your next blog about chessbookman. Sounds like fun.
Hi Art
....consequenses....consequenses....I'm a jump first and look later lad.
Damn consequenses. Consequenses are for people who worry about things.
I worry where my next checkmate is coming from. Nothing else matters.
"I am a human first even during my job."
Close. He said something like that and I replied.
"...and your job is driving a bus you are not a tourist guide.
If this (points to tourist) has made it all the way from America without your help
then I'm sure she is perfectly capable of finding her way about Edinburgh
without you holding up a bus load of passengers.
She then replied she was in fact French to which I said something like
she looks like an American. Things kind of went downhill from there.
One other passenger got off with me, she said that was great.
We waited for the next bus.
I put the American looking French woman on the right bus and caught my bus.
No doubt telling any mug who had their walkman on too loud to switch it off.
I'm always do that.
"Such as not getting your point across..."
I'm sure I make my point(s) perfectly clear.
If I think anything is naff then I say so - what's unclear about that?