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500k moves @ 1950+ rating

500k moves @ 1950+ rating

Only Chess

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Originally posted by woadman
Exactly correct....why give someone over a week to move when he/she has a totally lost game? It's unsportmanship to the max....the position on the board wont change a week or two later !
That is NOT what I said. The "week to move" does not only go into effect when one player has a lost position. Once each player leaves his or her "book", the time becomes valuable. Complicated games often require an investment of time usage for both players- especially when they are good players.

In fact, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the other player used the week to get the winning position in your hypothetical situation.

I would say more, but your posts lead me to believe that I am not dealing with an adult. Kids do child-like things, and the internet offers no protection from silliness or indiscretion beyond what your parents establish.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
They say you have 800+ games going at once. Is that true? If so, how long does it take to cycle through one move for each game? I think I would be tearing what hair I have left right out of my armpits๐Ÿ™‚
Actually I stay closer to 900 games. It takes approx. 3 days to cycle through. I use a system much like playing a simul.


Originally posted by caissad4
I use a system much like playing a simul.
So you set up about 800-900 computers in a circle and move around them? ๐Ÿ˜›


Originally posted by tvochess
So you set up about 800-900 computers in a circle and move around them? ๐Ÿ˜›
Actually I use some of the advice given by George Koltanowski to me many years ago about simuls and blindfold play.

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Hi caissad4,

Congrats on 500,000, you will have to part with the advice and the routine you use.

I tried 50 at once a while back v a load of under 1500's.
I won 35 and lost 11 dropping 200 R.P's.

I think my biggest mistake was refusing to leave if I had a game waiting
with my turn to move. I just could not leave RHP if I had a game waiting
so I rushed and blundered a few times. A couple of times I was simply outplayed.

I recall having so many Latvians on the go I got all mixed up in my theory
and ideas as a dozen or so games had very similar layouts and I played a
few ATN's (Awful Theoretical Novelties). All good fun.

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Originally posted by caissad4
Actually I stay closer to 900 games. It takes approx. 3 days to cycle through. I use a system much like playing a simul.
Lets suppose you allot 8 hours for your play cycle. So in three days with 900 games going, you have to do 300 games in 8 hours. First off, that sounds like a full time job, but aside from that, you have 37 odd games per hour to play continuously for 8 hours solid. Rounding that to 30 games per hour gives you about 2 minutes max to make your moves and on to the next game.

Gadzooks, that would fry MY brain.

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Originally posted by caissad4
Actually I use some of the advice given by George Koltanowski to me many years ago about simuls and blindfold play.
Anything you want to share with us? I'd be interested to hear about it.


Originally posted by sonhouse
Lets suppose you allot 8 hours for your play cycle. So in three days with 900 games going, you have to do 300 games in 8 hours. First off, that sounds like a full time job, but aside from that, you have 37 odd games per hour to play continuously for 8 hours solid. Rounding that to 30 games per hour gives you about 2 minutes max to make your moves and on to the next game.

Gadzooks, that would fry MY brain.
My daily goals are 300 moves, not games. Most games I use about 30 seconds for moves on average. I have the ability to analyze very, very quickly. In grade school I was considered a bit of a math prodigy. Quick analysis and a phonographic memory is how I do it.

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